Efficient model checking using tabled resolution YS Ramakrishna, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, SA Smolka, ... Computer Aided Verification: 9th International Conference, CAV'97 Haifa …, 1997 | 300 | 1997 |
More than meets the eye: a survey of screen-reader browsing strategies Y Borodin, JP Bigham, G Dausch, IV Ramakrishnan Proceedings of the 2010 International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web …, 2010 | 278 | 2010 |
Logic based modeling and analysis of workflows H Davulcu, M Kifer, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on …, 1998 | 266 | 1998 |
Efficient access mechanisms for tabled logic programs IV Ramakrishnan, P Rao, K Sagonas, T Swift, DS Warren The Journal of Logic Programming 38 (1), 31-54, 1999 | 216* | 1999 |
Modeling and analysis of interactions in virtual enterprises H Davulcu, M Kifer, LR Pokorny, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, ... Proceedings Ninth International Workshop on Research Issues on Data …, 1999 | 137 | 1999 |
Nonlinear pattern matching in trees R Ramesh, IV Ramakrishnan Journal of the ACM (JACM) 39 (2), 295-316, 1992 | 136 | 1992 |
A layered architecture for querying dynamic web content H Davulcu, J Freire, M Kifer, IV Ramakrishnan Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1999 | 128 | 1999 |
Csurf: a context-driven non-visual web-browser JU Mahmud, Y Borodin, IV Ramakrishnan Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 31-40, 2007 | 122 | 2007 |
Ontominer: Bootstrapping and populating ontologies from domain-specific web sites H Davalcu, S Vadrevu, S Nagarajan, IV Ramakrishnan IEEE Intelligent Systems 18 (5), 24-33, 2003 | 122 | 2003 |
Hearsay: Enabling audio browsing on hypertext content IV Ramakrishnan, A Stent, G Yang Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, 80-89, 2004 | 121 | 2004 |
The five Ws for information visualization with application to healthcare informatics Z Zhang, B Wang, F Ahmed, IV Ramakrishnan, R Zhao, A Viccellio, ... IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (11), 1895-1910, 2013 | 114 | 2013 |
Term indexing IV Ramakrishnan, RC Sekar, JA Robinson, A Voronkov Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 1853-1964, 2001 | 114 | 2001 |
Automatic annotation of content-rich html documents: Structural and semantic analysis S Mukherjee, G Yang, IV Ramakrishnan The Semantic Web-ISWC 2003: Second International Semantic Web Conference …, 2003 | 105 | 2003 |
A framework for building privacy-conscious composite web services W Xu, VN Venkatakrishnan, R Sekar, IV Ramakrishnan 2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), 655-662, 2006 | 104 | 2006 |
Scalable data extraction techniques for transforming electronic documents into queriable archives IV Ramakrishnan, S Mukherjee, G Yang, H Davulcu US Patent App. 10/658,312, 2005 | 101 | 2005 |
XMC: A logic-programming-based verification toolset CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, SA Smolka, Y Dong, X Du, ... International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 576-580, 2000 | 99 | 2000 |
Programming in equational logic: Beyond strong sequentiality RC Sekar, IV Ramakrishnan Information and Computation 104 (1), 78-109, 1993 | 98 | 1993 |
CTR-S: a logic for specifying contracts in semantic web services H Davulcu, M Kifer, IV Ramakrishnan Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate …, 2004 | 92 | 2004 |
Methods for determining the similarity of content and structuring unstructured content from heterogeneous sources DS Warren, TL Swift, T Vidrevich, I Ramakrishnan, LR Pokorny, A Beggs, ... US Patent 7,542,958, 2009 | 91 | 2009 |
Model-Carrying Code (MCC) a new paradigm for mobile-code security R Sekar, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, SA Smolka Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on New security paradigms, 23-30, 2001 | 91 | 2001 |