IV Ramakrishnan
IV Ramakrishnan
Professor of Computer Science, Assoc. Dean of Research, College of Engr. & Applied Sciences
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Cited by
Efficient model checking using tabled resolution
YS Ramakrishna, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, SA Smolka, ...
Computer Aided Verification: 9th International Conference, CAV'97 Haifa …, 1997
More than meets the eye: a survey of screen-reader browsing strategies
Y Borodin, JP Bigham, G Dausch, IV Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 2010 International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web …, 2010
Logic based modeling and analysis of workflows
H Davulcu, M Kifer, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on …, 1998
Efficient access mechanisms for tabled logic programs
IV Ramakrishnan, P Rao, K Sagonas, T Swift, DS Warren
The Journal of Logic Programming 38 (1), 31-54, 1999
Modeling and analysis of interactions in virtual enterprises
H Davulcu, M Kifer, LR Pokorny, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, ...
Proceedings Ninth International Workshop on Research Issues on Data …, 1999
Nonlinear pattern matching in trees
R Ramesh, IV Ramakrishnan
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 39 (2), 295-316, 1992
A layered architecture for querying dynamic web content
H Davulcu, J Freire, M Kifer, IV Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 1999
Csurf: a context-driven non-visual web-browser
JU Mahmud, Y Borodin, IV Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 31-40, 2007
Ontominer: Bootstrapping and populating ontologies from domain-specific web sites
H Davalcu, S Vadrevu, S Nagarajan, IV Ramakrishnan
IEEE Intelligent Systems 18 (5), 24-33, 2003
Hearsay: Enabling audio browsing on hypertext content
IV Ramakrishnan, A Stent, G Yang
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on World Wide Web, 80-89, 2004
The five Ws for information visualization with application to healthcare informatics
Z Zhang, B Wang, F Ahmed, IV Ramakrishnan, R Zhao, A Viccellio, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (11), 1895-1910, 2013
Term indexing
IV Ramakrishnan, RC Sekar, JA Robinson, A Voronkov
Handbook of Automated Reasoning, 1853-1964, 2001
Automatic annotation of content-rich html documents: Structural and semantic analysis
S Mukherjee, G Yang, IV Ramakrishnan
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2003: Second International Semantic Web Conference …, 2003
A framework for building privacy-conscious composite web services
W Xu, VN Venkatakrishnan, R Sekar, IV Ramakrishnan
2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), 655-662, 2006
Scalable data extraction techniques for transforming electronic documents into queriable archives
IV Ramakrishnan, S Mukherjee, G Yang, H Davulcu
US Patent App. 10/658,312, 2005
XMC: A logic-programming-based verification toolset
CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, SA Smolka, Y Dong, X Du, ...
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 576-580, 2000
Programming in equational logic: Beyond strong sequentiality
RC Sekar, IV Ramakrishnan
Information and Computation 104 (1), 78-109, 1993
CTR-S: a logic for specifying contracts in semantic web services
H Davulcu, M Kifer, IV Ramakrishnan
Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate …, 2004
Methods for determining the similarity of content and structuring unstructured content from heterogeneous sources
DS Warren, TL Swift, T Vidrevich, I Ramakrishnan, LR Pokorny, A Beggs, ...
US Patent 7,542,958, 2009
Model-Carrying Code (MCC) a new paradigm for mobile-code security
R Sekar, CR Ramakrishnan, IV Ramakrishnan, SA Smolka
Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on New security paradigms, 23-30, 2001
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Articles 1–20