Alireza Abedin
Alireza Abedin
PhD Candidate, The University of Adelaide
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Cited by
SparseSense: Human Activity Recognition from Highly Sparse Sensor Data-streams Using Set-based Neural Networks
A Abedin, SH Rezatofighi, Q Shi, DC Ranasinghe
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI19), 5780-5786, 2019
Joint learning of Social Groups, Individuals Action and Sub-group Activities in Videos
M Ehsanpour, A Abedin, F Saleh, J Shi, I Reid, H Rezatofighi
European Conference On Computer Vision (ECCV20), 2020
Attend and discriminate: Beyond the state-of-the-art for human activity recognition using wearable sensors
A Abedin, M Ehsanpour, Q Shi, H Rezatofighi, DC Ranasinghe
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2021
Deep auto-set: A deep auto-encoder-set network for activity recognition using wearables
A Abedin, E Abbasnejad, Q Shi, DC Ranasinghe, H Rezatofighi
Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile and …, 2018
Towards Deep Clustering of Human Activities from Wearables
A Abedin, F Motlagh, Q Shi, H Rezatofighi, DC Ranasinghe
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC20), 2020
A distributed joint power control and mode selection scheme for D2D-enabled cellular systems
A Abedin, M Rasti
2016 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), 1284-1289, 2016
Guided-GAN: Adversarial representation learning for activity recognition with wearables
A Abedin, H Rezatofighi, DC Ranasinghe
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05732, 2021
Deep Learning Methods for Human Activity Recognition using Wearables
A Abedin
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Articles 1–8