Khondaker A. Mamun
Cited by
Cited by
Progress in brain computer interface: Challenges and opportunities
S Saha, KA Mamun, K Ahmed, R Mostafa, GR Naik, S Darvishi, ...
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 15, 578875, 2021
Technological advancements and opportunities in Neuromarketing: a systematic review
FS Rawnaque, KM Rahman, SF Anwar, R Vaidyanathan, T Chau, ...
Brain Informatics 7, 1-19, 2020
Cloud based framework for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis and monitoring system for remote healthcare applications
KA Al Mamun, M Alhussein, K Sailunaz, MS Islam
Future Generation Computer Systems 66, 36-47, 2017
A critical review on world university ranking in terms of top four ranking systems
F Anowar, MA Helal, S Afroj, S Sultana, F Sarker, KA Mamun
New trends in networking, computing, e-learning, systems sciences, and …, 2014
Exploration of EEG-based depression biomarkers identification techniques and their applications: a systematic review
A Dev, N Roy, MK Islam, C Biswas, HU Ahmed, MA Amin, F Sarker, ...
IEEE Access 10, 16756-16781, 2022
Telemonitoring Parkinson’s disease using machine learning by combining tremor and voice analysis
MSR Sajal, MT Ehsan, R Vaidyanathan, S Wang, T Aziz, KAA Mamun
Brain informatics 7 (1), 12, 2020
CMED: Cloud based medical system framework for rural health monitoring in developing countries
K Sailunaz, M Alhussein, M Shahiduzzaman, F Anowar, KA Al Mamun
Computers & Electrical Engineering 53, 469-481, 2016
An intelligent neuromarketing system for predicting consumers’ future choice from electroencephalography signals
FR Mashrur, KM Rahman, MTI Miya, R Vaidyanathan, SF Anwar, F Sarker, ...
Physiology & Behavior 253, 113847, 2022
Deep learning based parts of speech tagger for Bengali
MF Kabir, K Abdullah-Al-Mamun, MN Huda
2016 5th international conference on informatics, electronics and vision …, 2016
Smart autism—A mobile, interactive and integrated framework for screening and confirmation of autism
KA Al Mamun, S Bardhan, MA Ullah, E Anagnostou, J Brian, S Akhter, ...
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
Movement decoding using neural synchronization and inter-hemispheric connectivity from deep brain local field potentials
KA Mamun, M Mace, ME Lutman, J Stein, X Liu, T Aziz, R Vaidyanathan, ...
Journal of neural engineering 12 (5), 056011, 2015
BCI-based consumers' choice prediction from EEG signals: an intelligent neuromarketing framework
FR Mashrur, KM Rahman, MTI Miya, R Vaidyanathan, SF Anwar, F Sarker, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 16, 861270, 2022
Autism Barta—A smart device based automated autism screening tool for Bangladesh
S Bardhan, GMMM Mridha, E Ahmed, MA Ullah, HU Ahmed, S Akhter, ...
2016 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision …, 2016
A high resolution pitch detection algorithm based on AMDF and ACF
K Abdullah-Al-Mamun, F Sarker, G Muhammad
Journal of scientific research 1 (3), 508-515, 2009
Digital surveillance systems for tracing COVID-19: Privacy and security challenges with recommendations
MR Hussein, AB Shams, EH Apu, KAA Mamun, MS Rahman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.13182, 2020
Bolte Chai: An augmentative and alternative communication device for enhancing communication for nonverbal children
MNR Khan, MNH Pias, K Habib, M Hossain, F Sarker, KA Mamun
2016 International Conference on Medical Engineering, Health Informatics and …, 2016
A word-dependent automatic Arabic speaker identification system
SS Al-Dahri, YH Al-Jassar, YA Alotaibi, MM Alsulaiman, ...
2008 IEEE international symposium on signal processing and information …, 2008
Pattern classification to optimize the performance of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography-based brain machine interface
J Lu, KA Mamun, T Chau
Pattern Recognition Letters 66, 135-143, 2015
Automated Bangla sign language translation system: Prospects, limitations and applications
MT Hoque, M Rifat-Ut-Tauwab, MF Kabir, F Sarker, MN Huda, ...
2016 5th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision …, 2016
Vocal frequency estimation and voicing state prediction with surface EMG pattern recognition
WD Armas, KA Mamun, T Chau
Journal of Speech Communication 63, 15-26, 2014
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Articles 1–20