Anouk Smeekes
Anouk Smeekes
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
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The presence of the past: Identity continuity and group dynamics
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten
European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 26, 162-202, 2017
Longing for the country's good old days: National nostalgia, autochthony beliefs, and opposition to Muslim expressive rights
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten, B Martinovic
British Journal of Social Psychology 54 (3), 561-580, 2015
Collective self-continuity, group identification and in-group defense
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (6), 984-994, 2013
Social identity continuity and mental health among Syrian refugees in Turkey
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten, E Çelebi, C Acartürk, S Onkun
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 52, 1317-1324, 2017
When national culture is disrupted: Cultural continuity and resistance to Muslim immigrants
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17 (1), 45-66, 2014
National nostalgia: A group-based emotion that benefits the in-group but hampers intergroup relations
A Smeekes
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 49, 54-67, 2015
Mobilizing opposition towards Muslim immigrants: National identification and the representation of national history
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten, E Poppe
British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (2), 265-280, 2011
How a tolerant past affects the present: Historical tolerance and the acceptance of Muslim expressive rights
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten, E Poppe
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (11), 1410-1422, 2012
Longing for the “good old days” of our country: National nostalgia as a new master‐frame of populist radical right parties
A Smeekes, T Wildschut, C Sedikides
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology 5 (2), 90-102, 2021
Perceived group continuity, collective self-continuity, and in-group identification
A Smeekes, M Verkuyten
Self and Identity 13 (6), 663-680, 2014
Regaining in-group continuity in times of anxiety about the group˘s future
A Smeekes, J Jetten, M Verkuyten, MJA Wohl, I Jasinskaja-Lahti, ...
Social Psychology, 2018
The multicultural jigsaw puzzle: Category indispensability and acceptance of immigrants˘ cultural rights
M Verkuyten, B Martinovic, A Smeekes
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (11), 1480-1493, 2014
Longing is in the memory of the beholder: Collective nostalgia content determines the method members will support to make their group great again
MJA Wohl, A Stefaniak, A Smeekes
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 91, 104044, 2020
Different pasts for different political folk: Political orientation predicts collective nostalgia content
A Stefaniak, MJA Wohl, C Sedikides, A Smeekes, T Wildschut
Frontiers in Political Science 3, 633688, 2021
Social representations of the past in post-conflict societies: Adherence to official historical narratives and distrust through heightened threats
C Psaltis, R Franc, A Smeekes, M Ioannou, I Žeželj
History education and conflict transformation: Social psychological theories …, 2017
The different faces of social tolerance: Conceptualizing and measuring respect and coexistence tolerance
E Velthuis, M Verkuyten, A Smeekes
Social Indicators Research 158 (3), 1105-1125, 2021
Collective memory of a dissolved country: Group-based nostalgia and guilt assignment as predictors of interethnic relations between diaspora groups from former Yugoslavia
B Martinovic, J Jetten, A Smeekes, M Verkuyten
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 5 (2), 588-607, 2017
Endorsing narratives under threat: Maintaining perceived collective continuity through the protective power of ingroup narratives in Northern Ireland and Cyprus
A Smeekes, S McKeown, C Psaltis
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 5 (2), 282-300, 2017
Longing for one's home country: National nostalgia and acculturation among immigrants and natives
AN Smeekes, J Jetten
International journal of intercultural relations 69, 131-150, 2019
Collective nostalgia: Triggers and consequences for collective action intentions
A Smeekes, C Sedikides, T Wildschut
British Journal of Social Psychology 62 (1), 197-214, 2023
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Articles 1–20