Angelos Pantouvakis
Angelos Pantouvakis
Professor of Marketing and Management in Shipping, University of Piraeus
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The impact of ISO 9001 effectiveness on the performance of service companies
EL Psomas, A Pantouvakis, DP Kafetzopoulos
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 23 (2), 149-164, 2013
A multiple criteria approach for airline passenger satisfaction measurement and service quality improvement
S Tsafarakis, T Kokotas, A Pantouvakis
Journal of air transport management 68, 61-75, 2018
Product-harm crisis management: Time heals all wounds?
A Vassilikopoulou, G Siomkos, K Chatzipanagiotou, A Pantouvakis
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 16 (3), 174-180, 2009
Identifying the critical determinants of TQM and their impact on company performance: Evidence from the hotel industry of Greece
N Bouranta, EL Psomas, A Pantouvakis
The TQM Journal 29 (1), 147-166, 2017
The link between organizational learning culture and customer satisfaction: Confirming relationship and exploring moderating effect
A Pantouvakis, N Bouranta
The Learning Organization 20 (1), 48-64, 2013
The relative importance of service features in explaining customer satisfaction: A comparison of measurement models
A Pantouvakis
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 20 (4), 366-387, 2010
The interrelationship between service features, job satisfaction and customer satisfaction: Evidence from the transport sector
A Pantouvakis, N Bouranta
The TQM Journal 25 (2), 186-201, 2013
Exploring different nationality perceptions of airport service quality
A Pantouvakis, MF Renzi
Journal of air transport management 52, 90-98, 2016
Customer satisfaction and loyalty in the eyes of new and repeat customers: Evidence from the transport sector
A Pantouvakis, K Lymperopoulos
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 18 (6), 623-643, 2008
The impact of internal service quality and learning organization on clinical leaders' job satisfaction in hospital care services
A Pantouvakis, P Mpogiatzidis
Leadership in Health Services 26 (1), 34-49, 2013
Testing the SERVQUAL scale in the passenger port industry: a confirmatory study
A Pantouvakis, C Chlomoudis, A Dimas
Maritime Policy & Management 35 (5), 449-467, 2008
Port-service quality dimensions and passenger profiles: an exploratory examination and analysis
A Pantouvakis
Maritime Economics & Logistics 8, 402-418, 2006
Role of the human talent in total quality management–performance relationship: an investigation in the transport sector
A Pantouvakis, M Karakasnaki
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 28 (9-10), 959-973, 2017
Internal marketing and the moderating role of employees: An exploratory study
A Pantouvakis
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 23 (2), 177-195, 2012
ISO 9001 overall performance dimensions: an exploratory study
E Psomas, A Pantouvakis
The TQM Journal 27 (5), 519-531, 2015
The moderating role of nationality on the satisfaction loyalty link: evidence from the tourism industry
A Pantouvakis
Total quality management & business excellence 24 (9-10), 1174-1187, 2013
Talent and leadership effects on sustainable performance in the maritime industry
A Pantouvakis, I Vlachos
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 86, 102440, 2020
Market orientation for sustainable performance and the inverted-U moderation of firm size: Evidence from the Greek shipping industry
A Pantouvakis, I Vlachos, PD Zervopoulos
Journal of cleaner production 165, 705-720, 2017
Internal service quality and job satisfaction synergies for performance improvement: Some evidence from a B2B environment
A Pantouvakis
Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 19, 11-22, 2011
Agility, organisational learning culture and relationship quality in the port sector
A Pantouvakis, N Bouranta
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 28 (3-4), 366-378, 2017
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Articles 1–20