Jakob Wilm
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluation of surface registration algorithms for PET motion correction
HM Kjer, J Wilm
Technical University of Denmark, DTU, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 2010
A unified approach to diffusion direction sensitive slice registration and 3-D DTI reconstruction from moving fetal brain anatomy
M Fogtmann, S Seshamani, C Kroenke, X Cheng, T Chapman, J Wilm, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 33 (2), 272-289, 2013
Precision and accuracy parameters in structured light 3-D scanning
ER Eiríksson, J Wilm, DB Pedersen, H Aanæs
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
Iterative closest point
J Wilm, HM Kjer
MATLAB Central, 2013
In-line 3D print failure detection using computer vision
RA Lyngby, J Wilm, ER Eiríksson, JB Nielsen, JN Jensen, H Aanæs, ...
Joint Special Interest Group meeting between euspen and ASPE: Dimensional …, 2017
Accurate and simple calibration of DLP projector systems
J Wilm, OV Olesen, R Larsen
Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications VI 8979 …, 2014
Design of automated robotic system for draping prepreg composite fabrics
LP Ellekilde, J Wilm, OW Nielsen, C Krogh, E Kristiansen, ...
Robotica 39 (1), 72-87, 2021
SLStudio: Open-source framework for real-time structured light
J Wilm, OV Olesen, R Larsen
2014 4th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2014
Scene reassembly after multimodal digitization and pipeline evaluation using photorealistic rendering
JD Stets, A Dal Corso, JB Nielsen, RA Lyngby, SHN Jensen, J Wilm, ...
Applied optics 56 (27), 7679-7690, 2017
VirtualTable: a projection augmented reality game
A Dal Corso, M Olsen, KH Steenstrup, J Wilm, S Jensen, RR Paulsen, ...
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Posters, 1-1, 2015
Multi-view object pose distribution tracking for pre-grasp planning on mobile robots
L Naik, TM Iversen, A Kramberger, J Wilm, N Krüger
2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1554-1561, 2022
Surface reconstruction from structured light images using differentiable rendering
JN Jensen, M Hannemose, JA Bærentzen, J Wilm, JR Frisvad, AB Dahl
Sensors 21 (4), 1068, 2021
An MRI compatible surface scanner
OV Olesen, J Wilm, A Van der Kouwe, RR Jensen, R Larsen, LL Wald
ISMRM Scientific Workshop 2014: Motion Correction in MRI, 2015
An error analysis of structured light scanning of biological tissue
SN Jensen, J Wilm, H Aanæs
Image Analysis: 20th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2017, Tromsø, Norway …, 2017
Real Time structured light and applications
J Wilm
Technical University of Denmark, 2016
Real time surface registration for PET motion tracking
J Wilm, OV Olesen, RR Paulsen, L Højgaard, B Roed, R Larsen
Image Analysis: 17th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2011, Ystad, Sweden, May …, 2011
Evaluation of surface registration algorithms for PET motion correction Bachelor thesis
HM Kjer, J Wilm
Kongens Lyngby, 2010
Superaccurate camera calibration via inverse rendering
M Hannemose, J Wilm, JR Frisvad
Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VII 11057, 252-260, 2019
Iterative closest point. MATLAB central file exchange
J Wilm
Correction of motion artifacts for real-time structured light
J Wilm, OV Olesen, RR Paulsen, R Larsen
Image Analysis: 19th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark …, 2015
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Articles 1–20