Christophe Claramunt
Christophe Claramunt
Professor of Computer Science, Arts et Métiers ParisTech & Naval Academy Research Institute, France
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Topological analysis of urban street networks
B Jiang, C Claramunt
Environment and Planning B: Planning and design 31 (1), 151-162, 2004
Integration of space syntax into GIS: new perspectives for urban morphology
B Jiang, C Claramunt
Transactions in GIS 6 (3), 295-309, 2002
A structural approach to the model generalization of an urban street network
B Jiang, C Claramunt
GeoInformatica 8, 157-171, 2004
Managing time in GIS an event-oriented approach
C Claramunt, M Thériault
Recent advances in temporal databases, 23-42, 1995
Integration of space syntax into GIS for modelling urban spaces
B Jiang, C Claramunt, B Klarqvist
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2 (3-4 …, 2000
Geometric A-star algorithm: an improved A-star algorithm for AGV path planning in a port environment
G Tang, C Tang, C Claramunt, X Hu, P Zhou
IEEE Access, 15, 2021
Spatial models for context-aware indoor navigation systems: A survey
I Afyouni, C Claramunt, C Ray
Geometric accessibility and geographic information: extending desktop GIS to space syntax
B Jiang, C Claramunt, M Batty
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 23 (2), 127-146, 1999
Toward semantics for modelling spatio-temporal processes within GIS
C Claramunt, M Theriault
Advances in GIs Research I, 27-43, 1996
A ship trajectory prediction framework based on a recurrent neural network
Y Suo, W Chen, C Claramunt, S Yang
Sensors 20 (18), 5133, 2020
Experiential hierarchies of streets
M Tomko, S Winter, C Claramunt
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32 (1), 41-52, 2008
Representing space in cognition: interrelations of behaviour, language, and formal models
C Tenbrink, T., Wiener, J. and Claramunt
Oxford University Press, 2013
A spatio-temporal modelling approach for the study of the connectivity and accessibility of the Guangzhou metropolitan network
S Chen, C Claramunt, C Ray
Journal of Transport Geography 36, 12-23, 2014
A grid graph-based model for the analysis of 2D indoor spaces
X Li, C Claramunt, C Ray
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 34 (6), 532-540, 2010
Modeling consistency of spatio-temporal graphs
G Del Mondo, MA Rodríguez, C Claramunt, L Bravo, R Thibaud
Data & Knowledge Engineering 84, 59-80, 2013
Design patterns for spatio-temporal processes
C Claramunt, C Parent, M Thériault
Data Mining and Reverse Engineering: Searching for semantics. IFIP TC2 WG2 …, 1998
A representation of relationships in temporal spaces
C Claramunt, B Jiang
GIS and Geocomputation, 53-66, 2000
A new framework for the integration, analysis and visualisation of urban traffic data within geographic information systems
C Claramunt, B Jiang, A Bargiela
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 8 (1-6), 167-184, 2000
An integrated representation of spatial and temporal relationships between evolving regions
C Claramunt, B Jiang
Journal of geographical systems 3, 411-428, 2001
A spatial entropy‐based decision tree for classification of geographical information
X Li, C Claramunt
Transactions in GIS 10 (3), 451-467, 2006
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Articles 1–20