Stavros Kalaitzidis
Stavros Kalaitzidis
Department of Geology, University of Patras
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Παρατίθεται από
Classification of liptinite–ICCP System 1994
W Pickel, J Kus, D Flores, S Kalaitzidis, K Christanis, BJ Cardott, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 169, 40-61, 2017
Strong sorption of native PAHs to pyrogenic and unburned carbonaceous geosorbents in sediments
G Cornelissen, GD Breedveld, S Kalaitzidis, K Christanis, A Kibsgaard, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (4), 1197-1203, 2006
Massive perturbation in terrestrial ecosystems of the Eastern Mediterranean region associated with the 8.2 kyr BP climatic event
J Pross, U Kotthoff, UC Müller, O Peyron, I Dormoy, G Schmiedl, ...
Geology 37 (10), 887-890, 2009
Relations between environmental black carbon sorption and geochemical sorbent characteristics
G Cornelissen, Z Kukulska, S Kalaitzidis, K Christanis, Ö Gustafsson
Environmental Science & Technology 38 (13), 3632-3640, 2004
Palaeoenvironment of seam I in the Marathousa lignite mine, Megalopolis basin (southern Greece)
G Siavalas, M Linou, A Chatziapostolou, S Kalaitzidis, H Papaefthymiou, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 78 (4), 233-248, 2009
Late Cretaceous coal overlying karstic bauxite deposits in the Parnassus-Ghiona Unit, Central Greece: Coal characteristics and depositional environment
S Kalaitzidis, G Siavalas, N Skarpelis, CV Araujo, K Christanis
International Journal of Coal Geology 81 (4), 211-226, 2010
The 1.35-Ma-long terrestrial climate archive of Tenaghi Philippon, northeastern Greece: Evolution, exploration, and perspectives for future research
J Pross, K Christanis, T Fischer, WJ Fletcher, M Hardiman, S Kalaitzidis, ...
Newsletters on Stratigraphy 48 (3), 253-276, 2015
The marine isotope stage 1–5 cryptotephra record of Tenaghi Philippon, Greece: Towards a detailed tephrostratigraphic framework for the Eastern Mediterranean region
S Wulf, MJ Hardiman, RA Staff, A Koutsodendris, O Appelt, SPE Blockley, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 186, 236-262, 2018
Evaluation of Greek low-rank coals as potential raw material for the production of soil amendments and organic fertilizers
A Giannouli, S Kalaitzidis, G Siavalas, A Chatziapostolou, K Christanis, ...
International journal of coal geology 77 (3-4), 383-393, 2009
Enhanced seasonality of precipitation in the Mediterranean during the early part of the Last Interglacial
AM Milner, REL Collier, KH Roucoux, UC Müller, J Pross, S Kalaitzidis, ...
Geology 40 (10), 919-922, 2012
A short-term establishment of forest fen habitat during Pliocene lignite formation in the Ptolemais Basin, NW Macedonia, Greece
S Kalaitzidis, A Bouzinos, S Papazisimou, K Christanis
International Journal of Coal Geology 57 (3-4), 243-263, 2004
Early coalification features as approached by solid state 13C CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy
S Kalaitzidis, A Georgakopoulos, K Christanis, A Iordanidis
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (4), 947-959, 2006
How quality and quantity of organic matter affect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon desorption from Norwegian harbor sediments
AMP Oen, GD Breedveld, S Kalaitzidis, K Christanis, G Cornelissen
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 25 (5 …, 2006
Environmental variability during the Last Interglacial: a new high‐resolution pollen record from Tenaghi Philippon, Greece
AM Milner, UC Müller, KH Roucoux, REL Collier, J Pross, S Kalaitzidis, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 28 (2), 113-117, 2013
Identification of alginite and bituminite in rocks other than coal. 2006, 2009, and 2011 round robin exercises of the ICCP Identification of Dispersed Organic Matter Working Group
J Kus, CV Araujo, AG Borrego, D Flores, PC Hackley, M Hámor-Vidó, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 178, 26-38, 2017
Testing reproducibility of vitrinite and solid bitumen reflectance measurements in North American unconventional source-rock reservoir petroleum systems
PC Hackley, CV Araujo, AG Borrego, A Bouzinos, BJ Cardott, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 114, 104172, 2020
Development of a petrographic classification of fly-ash components from coal combustion and co-combustion.(An ICCP Classification System, Fly-Ash Working Group–Commission III.)
I Suárez-Ruiz, B Valentim, AG Borrego, A Bouzinos, D Flores, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 183, 188-203, 2017
Peatlands in Southeast Asia: A comprehensive geological review
MS Omar, E Ifandi, RS Sukri, S Kalaitzidis, K Christanis, DTC Lai, S Bashir, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 232, 104149, 2022
Influence of geological conditions during peat accumulation on trace element affinities and their behavior during peat combustion
S Kalaitzidis, K Christanis, A Georgakopoulos, JL Fernández-Turiel, ...
Energy & fuels 16 (6), 1476-1482, 2002
Scanning electron microscope studies of the Philippi peat (NE Greece): initial aspects
S Kalaitzidis, K Christanis
International Journal of Coal Geology 54 (1-2), 69-77, 2003
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