Tom Mattson
Cited by
Cited by
Talking about technology: The emergence of a new actor category through new media
E Vaast, EJ Davidson, T Mattson
Mis Quarterly, 1069-1092, 2013
Deterrence and punishment experience impacts on ISP compliance attitudes
S Aurigemma, T Mattson
Information & Computer Security 25 (4), 421-436, 2017
Exploring the effect of uncertainty avoidance on taking voluntary protective security actions
S Aurigemma, T Mattson
Computers & Security 73, 219-234, 2018
Privilege or procedure: Evaluating the effect of employee status on intent to comply with socially interactive information security threats and controls
S Aurigemma, T Mattson
Computers & Security 66, 218-234, 2017
Generally speaking, context matters: Making the case for a change from universal to particular ISP research
S Aurigemma, T Mattson
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20 (12), 7, 2019
Evaluating the core and full protection motivation theory nomologies for the voluntary adoption of password manager applications
S Aurigemma, T Mattson, LNK Leonard
AIS Transactions on Replication Research 5 (1), 3, 2019
A cross industry study of institutional pressures on organizational effort to raise information security awareness
HJ Kam, T Mattson, S Goel
Information Systems Frontiers 22 (5), 1241-1264, 2020
Positively fearful: Activating the individual’s HERO within to explain volitional security technology adoption
T Mattson, S Aurigemma, J Ren
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 24 (3), 664-699, 2023
The “Right” recipes for security culture: a competing values model perspective
HJ Kam, T Mattson, DJ Kim
Information Technology & People 34 (5), 1490-1512, 2021
Running with the pack: The impact of middle-status conformity on the post-adoption organizational use of twitter
T Mattson, S Aurigemma
Research Anthology on Strategies for Using Social Media as a Service and …, 2021
Deterrence and punishment experience impacts on ISP compliance attitudes. Information and Computer Security, 25 (4), 421-436. DOI: 10.1108
S Aurigemma, T Mattson
ICS-11-2016-0089, 2017
Noise or Quality? Cross-nested Hierarchical Effects of Culture on Online Ratings
T Mattson
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 40, 25, 2017
Effect of long-term orientation on voluntary security actions
S Aurigemma, T Mattson
Information & Computer Security 27 (1), 122-142, 2019
The A-List vs. the Long Tail: Technology Bloggers and Reputation
T Mattson, E Davidson
Curse or Cure: Exploring Responses to Mental Health Related Posts in Reddit and ChatGPT Using Terror Management Theory
T Mattson, Q Weng, J Ren
Close the Intention-Behavior Gap via Attitudes: Case Study of the Volitional Adoption of a Two-Factor Authentication Service
T Mattson, S Aurigemma, J Ren
Promoting Domain-specific Forum Participation via Off-topic Forum Participation in Electronic Networks of Practice
T Mattson, E Davidson
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 43 (1), 35, 2018
Electronic networks of practice as third places: Social embeddedness, membership longevity and contribution quality
T Mattson
Introduction to the minitrack on the bright and dark side of social media in the marginalized contexts
T Mattson, J Ren, Q Weng
Unveiling Gender Dynamics for Mental Health Posts in Social Media and Generative Artificial Intelligence
T Mattson, Q Weng, J Ren
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Articles 1–20