Eric Gourdin
Eric Gourdin
Orange Labs
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Cited by
A branch and cut algorithm for hub location problems with single assignment
M Labbé, H Yaman, E Gourdin
Mathematical programming 102 (2), 371-405, 2005
Internet routing and related topology issues
W Ben-Ameur, E Gourdin
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 17 (1), 18-49, 2003
Telecommunication and location
E Gourdin, M Labbé, H Yaman
Facility location: Applications and theory, 275-305, 2002
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the partitioning-hub location-routing problem
D Catanzaro, E Gourdin, M Labbé, FA Özsoy
Computers & operations research 38 (2), 539-549, 2011
Virtual function placement for service chaining with partial orders and anti‐affinity rules
Z Allybokus, N Perrot, J Leguay, L Maggi, E Gourdin
Networks 71 (2), 97-106, 2018
Routing strategies for IP networks
W Ben-Ameur, N Michel, B Liau, E Gourdin
Telektronikk 97 (2/3), 145-158, 2001
The uncapacitated facility location problem with client matching
É Gourdin, M Labbé, G Laporte
Operations Research 48 (5), 671-685, 2000
Optimization of network protection against virus spread
E Gourdin, J Omic, P Van Mieghem
2011 8th International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication …, 2011
Computing optimal max-min fair resource allocation for elastic flows
D Nace, NL Doan, E Gourdin, B Liau
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 14 (6), 1272-1281, 2006
Design of survivable IP-over-optical networks
S Borne, E Gourdin, B Liau, AR Mahjoub
Annals of Operations Research 146, 41-73, 2006
Global optimization of Hölder functions
E Gourdin, B Jaumard, R Ellaia
Journal of Global Optimization 8, 323-348, 1996
The economics of CDNs and their impact on service fairness
E Gourdin, P Maillé, G Simon, B Tuffin
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 14 (1), 22-33, 2017
Biclique completion problems for multicast network design
N Faure, P Chrétienne, E Gourdin, F Sourd
Discrete Optimization 4 (3-4), 360-377, 2007
Finding maximum likelihood estimators for the three-parameter Weibull distribution
É Gourdin, P Hansen, B Jaumard
Journal of Global Optimization 5, 373-397, 1994
Optimization of OSPF routing in IP networks
A Bley, B Fortz, E Gourdin, K Holmberg, O Klopfenstein, M Pióro, ...
Graphs and algorithms in communication networks: studies in broadband …, 2010
Multi-period capacitated location with modular equipments
É Gourdin, O Klopfenstein
Computers & Operations Research 35 (3), 661-682, 2008
Key technologies to accelerate the ICT Green evolution--An operator's point of view
A Gati, FE Salem, AMG Serrano, D Marquet, SL Masson, T Rivera, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.09627, 2019
Statistically efficient, polynomial-time algorithms for combinatorial semi-bandits
T Cuvelier, R Combes, E Gourdin
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 5 (1 …, 2021
Dimensioning of Internet networks
W Ben-Ameur, E Gourdin, B Liau, N Michel
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Design of Reliable …, 2000
Optimal shortest path routing for Internet networks
N Bourquia, W Ben-Ameur, E Gourdin, P Tolla
Proceedings of the 1st International Network Optimization Conference (INOC …, 2003
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Articles 1–20