George Lepouras
George Lepouras
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Peloponnese
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Cited by
Ontology visualization methods—a survey
A Katifori, C Halatsis, G Lepouras, C Vassilakis, E Giannopoulou
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 39 (4), 10-es, 2007
Creating an ontology for the user profile: Method and applications
G Maria, K Akrivi, V Costas, L George, H Constantin
Proceedings AI* AI Workshop RCIS, 407-412, 2007
Virtual museums for all: employing game technology for edutainment
G Lepouras, C Vassilakis
Virtual reality 8, 96-106, 2004
Barriers to electronic service development
C Vassilakis, G Lepouras, J Fraser, S Haston, P Georgiadis
E-Service 4 (1), 41-63, 2005
Real exhibitions in a virtual museum
G Lepouras, A Katifori, C Vassilakis, D Charitos
Virtual Reality 7, 120-128, 2004
Augmented Reality and programming education: A systematic review
A Theodoropoulos, G Lepouras
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30, 100335, 2021
A comparative study of four ontology visualization techniques in protege: Experiment setup and preliminary results
K Akrivi, T Elena, H Constantin, L Georgios, V Costas
Tenth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'06), 417-423, 2006
Modeling visitors' profiles: A study to investigate adaptation aspects for museum learning technologies
A Antoniou, G Lepouras
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 3 (2), 1-19, 2010
Improving museum visitors' Quality of Experience through intelligent recommendations: A visiting style-based approach
I Lykourentzou, X Claude, Y Naudet, E Tobias, A Antoniou, G Lepouras, ...
Workshop Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on intelligent …, 2013
A knowledge-based approach for developing multi-channel e-government services
C Vassilakis, G Lepouras, C Halatsis
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 6 (1), 113-124, 2007
Historical research in archives: user methodology and supporting tools
T Elena, A Katifori, C Vassilakis, G Lepouras, C Halatsis
International Journal on Digital Libraries 11, 25-36, 2010
An approach for serious game development for cultural heritage: Case study for an archaeological site and museum
A Antoniou, G Lepouras, S Bampatzia, H Almpanoudi
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 6 (4), 1-19, 2013
A framework for managing the lifecycle of transactional e-government services
C Vassilakis, G Laskaridis, G Lepouras, S Rouvas, P Georgiadis
Telematics and Informatics 20 (4), 315-329, 2003
Wikis in enterprise settings: a survey
I Lykourentzou, F Dagka, K Papadaki, G Lepouras, C Vassilakis
Enterprise Information Systems 6 (1), 1-53, 2012
Building a VR-Museum in a Museum
G Lepouras, D Charitos, C Vassilakis, A Charissi, L Halatsi
Proc. of VRIC Virtual Reality International Conference, 2001
How do different cognitive styles affect learning programming? Insights from a game-based approach in Greek schools
A Theodoropoulos, A Antoniou, G Lepouras
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 17 (1), 1-25, 2016
Ontology for E-government public services
C Vassilakis, G Lepouras
Encyclopedia of E-commerce, E-government, and mobile commerce, 865-870, 2006
Spreading activation over ontology-based resources: from personal context to web scale reasoning
A Dix, A Katifori, G Lepouras, C Vassilakis, N Shabir
International Journal of Semantic Computing 4 (01), 59-102, 2010
Serious games: valuable tools for cultural heritage
S Bampatzia, I Bourlakos, A Antoniou, C Vassilakis, G Lepouras, ...
Games and Learning Alliance: 5th International Conference, GALA 2016 …, 2016
Museum personalization based on gaming and cognitive styles: the BLUE experiment
Y Naudet, A Antoniou, I Lykourentzou, E Tobias, J Rompa, G Lepouras
International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking (IJVCSN …, 2015
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Articles 1–20