Intelligent and real-time detection and classification algorithm for recycled materials using convolutional neural networks D Ziouzios, N Baras, V Balafas, M Dasygenis, A Stimoniaris Recycling 7 (1), 9, 2022 | 32 | 2022 |
Hybrid nanocomposites with organoclay and carbon-based fillers for EMI suppression CA Stergiou, AZ Stimoniaris, CG Delides IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 57 (3), 470-476, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Optimal Bio Marine Fuel production evolutionary Computation: Genetic algorithm approach for raw materials mixtures C Kyriklidis, ME Kyriklidis, E Loizou, A Stimoniaris, CG Tsanaktsidis Fuel 323, 124232, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
A detailed study of α-relaxation in epoxy/carbon nanoparticles composites using computational analysis. AZ Stimoniaris, CA Stergiou, CG Delides Express Polymer Letters 6 (2), 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Structure and properties of epoxy/fly ash system: influence of filler content and surface modification A Stimoniaris, E Skoura, D Gournis, MA Karakassides, C Delides Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28, 4620-4629, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Thermal and Dynamical Investigation on the Effect of Aminofunctionalized Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in an Epoxy Matrix. TV Kosmidou, E Nikolaidou, AZ Stimoniaris, AS Vatalis, CG Delides Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 4 (2), 169-173, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Integrated management of hydroponic wastewater for complete water recycle and cyanobacteria cultivation using an electric conductivity-based tool G Samiotis, C Lykas, I Ristanis, AZ Stimoniaris, E Amanatidou Bioresource Technology Reports 19, 101191, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Improvement of the physicochemical properties of distilled products of petroleum (diesel, JP-8) and mix diesel-biodiesel by using European black pine oleoresin C Tsanaktsidis, A Stimoniaris, S Bousios, G Tzilantonis, A Scaltsoyiannes, ... Journal of Environmental Protection 7 (5), 583-590, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Effect study of modulation of molecules of natural resin from black and Halepensis pinus in the removal of humidity from diesel fuel C Tsanaktsidis, A Stimoniaris, S Bousios, K Spinthiropoulos, G Tzilantonis, ... Petroleum Science and Technology 36 (17), 1332-1339, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Creation of Environmentally Friendly Fuel High in Energy by Mixing Marine Fuel Oil and Biodiesel. CG Tsanaktsidis, AZ Stimoniaris, KG Spinthiropoulos, A Papadimitriou, ... Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering 10 (2), 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Surface Modification of Fly Ash and Its Incorporation in Polystyrene-Block-Polybutadiene Copolymers E Skoura, A Karanastasis, AZ Stimoniaris, A Avgeropoulos, ... Proceeding of 7th Panhellenic Symposium on Porous Material, Ioannina, Greece, 38, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Physicochemical properties improvement with Pinus Nigra Natural resin for distilled products of petroleum, DIESEL, JP-8 and MIX DIESEL-Biodiesel CG Tsanaktsidis, AZ Stimoniaris, SA Bousios, G Tzilantonis, ... Journal of Environmental Protection 7 (5), 583, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Using natural crystalline zeolite structure in order to reduce the acidity in marine fuel oil C Tsanaktsidis, AZ Stimoniaris, K Spinthiropoulos, G Tzilantonis, ... Petroleum Science and Technology 34 (23), 1899-1904, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Thermal and thermomechanical properties of epoxy resin/carbon black nanocomposites H Zois, A Kanapitsas, AZ Stimoniaris, CG Delides Proc. Technical Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and …, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Upcycling of Eggshell Waste into Calcium Phosphates for Use in Sustainable Biomedical Engineering Applications N Pagonis, D Flegkas, A Itziou, K Kountouras, A Stimoniaris, P Samaras, ... Eng 5 (4), 3540, 2024 | | 2024 |
Υβριδικά συστήματα πολυμερικής μήτρας με μικρο-και νανο-πληρωτές άνθρακα Α Στημονιάρης | | 2018 |
Thermal and dynamic mechanical characterization of Epoxy Resin/Fly Ash composites by SEM, DMA, DSC and TGA techniques A Stimoniaris, A Pappa, C Delides composites 5 (1.1), 1.5, 0 | | |
HYDROGEN/NATURAL GAS SOLID-STATE STORAGE INTO NEW ADSORBENTS S Karakasi, Z Frontistis, C Tsanaktsidis, A Stimoniaris, V Karayannis | | |
Influence of Nanoclay’s Incorporation on Mechanical and Thermogravimetric Properties of ER/MWCNT Composites H Zois, AZ Stimoniaris, A Kanapitsas, CG Delides | | |