Alexandra Meziti
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Cited by
The reliability of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) in representing natural populations: insights from comparing MAGs against isolate genomes derived from the same fecal sample
A Meziti, LM Rodriguez-R, JK Hatt, A Peña-Gonzalez, K Levy, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 87 (6), e02593-20, 2021
Dietary differences are reflected on the gut prokaryotic community structure of wild and commercially reared sea bream (Sparus aurata)
KA Kormas, A Meziti, E Mente, A Frentzos
Microbiologyopen 3 (5), 718-728, 2014
Indigenous and spoilage microbiota of farmed sea bream stored in ice identified by phenotypic and 16S rRNA gene analysis
FF Parlapani, A Meziti, KA Kormas, IS Boziaris
Food microbiology 33 (1), 85-89, 2013
Temporal shifts of the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) gut bacterial communities
A Meziti, A Ramette, E Mente, KA Kormas
FEMS microbiology ecology 74 (2), 472-484, 2010
Gut bacteria associated with different diets in reared Nephrops norvegicus
A Meziti, E Mente, KA Kormas
Systematic and applied microbiology 35 (7), 473-482, 2012
Anthropogenic effects on bacterial diversity and function along a river‐to‐estuary gradient in Northwest Greece revealed by metagenomics
A Meziti, D Tsementzi, K Ar. Kormas, H Karayanni, KT Konstantinidis
Environmental Microbiology 18 (12), 4640-4652, 2016
Gut Bacterial Communities in Geographically Distant Populations of Farmed Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) and Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
E Nikouli, A Meziti, E Antonopoulou, E Mente, KA Kormas
Microorganisms 6 (3), 92, 2018
Quantifying the changes in genetic diversity within sequence-discrete bacterial populations across a spatial and temporal riverine gradient
A Meziti, D Tsementzi, LM Rodriguez-R, JK Hatt, H Karayanni, KA Kormas, ...
The ISME Journal 13 (3), 767-779, 2019
Characterization of methanogenic and prokaryotic assemblages based on mcrA and 16S rRNA gene diversity in sediments of the Kazan mud volcano …
KA Kormas, A Meziti, A Dählmann, GJ De Lange, V Lykousis
Geobiology 6 (5), 450-460, 2008
Bacterial phylotypes associated with the digestive tract of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the ascidian Microcosmus sp.
A Meziti, KA Kormas, MA Pancucci-Papadopoulou, M Thessalou-Legaki
Russian Journal of Marine Biology 33, 84-91, 2007
Host-Associated Bacterial Succession during the Early Embryonic Stages and First Feeding in Farmed Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata)
E Nikouli, A Meziti, E Antonopoulou, E Mente, KA Kormas
Genes 10 (7), 483, 2019
Ecogenomic characterization of widespread, closely-related SAR11 clades of the freshwater genus “Candidatus Fonsibacter” and proposal of Ca. Fonsibacter lacus sp. nov
D Tsementzi, LM Rodriguez-R, CA Ruiz-Perez, A Meziti, JK Hatt, ...
Systematic and applied microbiology 42 (4), 495-505, 2019
Gut microbiota of five sympatrically farmed marine fish species in the Aegean Sea
E Nikouli, A Meziti, E Smeti, E Antonopoulou, E Mente, KA Kormas
Microbial Ecology 81, 460-470, 2021
Spatially uniform but temporally variable bacterioplankton in a semi-enclosed coastal area
A Meziti, KA Kormas, M Moustaka-Gouni, H Karayanni
Systematic and Applied Microbiology 38 (5), 358-367, 2015
First record of a Trichodesmium erythraeum bloom in the Mediterranean Sea
S Spatharis, N Skliris, A Meziti, KA Kormas
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 69 (8), 1444-1455, 2012
Effects of dietary fishmeal replacement by poultry by-product meal and hydrolyzed feather meal on liver and intestinal histomorphology and on intestinal microbiota of gilthead …
P Psofakis, A Meziti, P Berillis, E Mente, KA Kormas, IT Karapanagiotidis
Applied Sciences 11 (19), 8806, 2021
Everything is not everywhere: can marine compartments shape phytoplankton assemblages?
S Spatharis, V Lamprinou, A Meziti, KA Kormas, DD Danielidis, E Smeti, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1914), 20191890, 2019
Changes of bacterioplankton apparent species richness in two ornamental fish aquaria
N Vlahos, KA Kormas, MG Pachiadaki, A Meziti, GN Hotos, E Mente
SpringerPlus 2, 1-9, 2013
Abdominal setae and midgut bacteria of the mudshrimp Pestarella tyrrhena
A Demiri, A Meziti, S Papaspyrou, M Thessalou-Legaki, K Kormas
Open Life Sciences 4 (4), 558-566, 2009
Time series metagenomic sampling of the Thermopyles, Greece, geothermal springs reveals stable microbial communities dominated by novel sulfur‐oxidizing chemoautotrophs
A Meziti, E Nikouli, JK Hatt, KT Konstantinidis, KA Kormas
Environmental Microbiology 23 (7), 3710-3726, 2021
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Articles 1–20