Kenneth A. Norman
Kenneth A. Norman
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Princeton University
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Beyond mind-reading: multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data
KA Norman, SM Polyn, GJ Detre, JV Haxby
Trends in cognitive sciences 10 (9), 424-430, 2006
Modeling hippocampal and neocortical contributions to recognition memory: a complementary-learning-systems approach.
KA Norman, RC O'Reilly
Psychological review 110 (4), 611, 2003
The cognitive neuroscience of constructive memory
DL Schacter, KA Norman, W Koutstaal
False-memory creation in children and adults, 136-175, 2000
A context maintenance and retrieval model of organizational processes in free recall.
SM Polyn, KA Norman, MJ Kahana
Psychological review 116 (1), 129, 2009
Discovering event structure in continuous narrative perception and memory
C Baldassano, J Chen, A Zadbood, JW Pillow, U Hasson, KA Norman
Neuron 95 (3), 709-721. e5, 2017
Category-specific cortical activity precedes retrieval during memory search
SM Polyn, VS Natu, JD Cohen, KA Norman
Science 310 (5756), 1963-1966, 2005
False recognition in younger and older adults: Exploring the characteristics of illusory memories
KA Norman, DL Schacter
Memory & cognition 25 (6), 838-848, 1997
Shared memories reveal shared structure in neural activity across individuals
J Chen, YC Leong, CJ Honey, CH Yong, KA Norman, U Hasson
Nature neuroscience 20 (1), 115-125, 2017
Hippocampal and neocortical contributions to memory: Advances in the complementary learning systems framework
RC O'Reilly, KA Norman
Trends in cognitive sciences 6 (12), 505-510, 2002
Complementary learning systems within the hippocampus: a neural network modelling approach to reconciling episodic memory with statistical learning
AC Schapiro, NB Turk-Browne, MM Botvinick, KA Norman
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Under what conditions is recognition spared relative to recall after selective hippocampal damage in humans?
JS Holdstock, AR Mayes, N Roberts, E Cezayirli, CL Isaac, RC O'reilly, ...
Hippocampus 12 (3), 341-351, 2002
Closed-loop training of attention with real-time brain imaging
MT deBettencourt, JD Cohen, RF Lee, KA Norman, NB Turk-Browne
Nature neuroscience 18 (3), 470-475, 2015
Representation of real-world event schemas during narrative perception
C Baldassano, U Hasson, KA Norman
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (45), 9689-9699, 2018
Effect of unitization on associative recognition in amnesia
JR Quamme, AP Yonelinas, KA Norman
Hippocampus 17 (3), 192-200, 2007
Shared computational principles for language processing in humans and deep language models
A Goldstein, Z Zada, E Buchnik, M Schain, A Price, B Aubrey, SA Nastase, ...
Nature neuroscience 25 (3), 369-380, 2022
Memory strength and repetition suppression: multimodal imaging of medial temporal cortical contributions to recognition
BD Gonsalves, I Kahn, T Curran, KA Norman, AD Wagner
Neuron 47 (5), 751-761, 2005
Recollection, familiarity, and cortical reinstatement: a multivoxel pattern analysis
JD Johnson, SGR McDuff, MD Rugg, KA Norman
Neuron 63 (5), 697-708, 2009
Statistical learning of temporal community structure in the hippocampus
AC Schapiro, NB Turk‐Browne, KA Norman, MM Botvinick
Hippocampus 26 (1), 3-8, 2016
What do differences between multi-voxel and univariate analysis mean? How subject-, voxel-, and trial-level variance impact fMRI analysis
T Davis, KF LaRocque, JA Mumford, KA Norman, AD Wagner, ...
Neuroimage 97, 271-283, 2014
Associative recognition in a patient with selective hippocampal lesions and relatively normal item recognition
AR Mayes, JS Holdstock, CL Isaac, D Montaldi, J Grigor, A Gummer, ...
Hippocampus 14 (6), 763-784, 2004
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Articles 1–20