Dejan Mitrovic
Dejan Mitrovic
Teaching and Research Assistant of Computer Science, University of Novi Sad
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Cited by
Cited by
Radigost: Interoperable web-based multi-agent platform
D Mitrović, M Ivanović, Z Budimac, M Vidaković
Journal of Systems and Software 90, 167-178, 2014
Emotional agents-state of the art and applications
M Ivanović, Z Budimac, M Radovanović, V Kurbalija, W Dai, C Bădică, ...
Computer science and information systems 12 (4), 1121-1148, 2015
HAPA: Harvester and pedagogical agents in e-learning environments
M IvanoviÄ, D MitroviÄ, Z Budimac, L JeriniÄ, C Bădică
International journal of computers communications & control 10 (2), 200-210, 2015
Supporting heterogeneous agent mobility with ALAS
D Mitrović, M Ivanović, Z Budimac, M Vidaković
Computer Science and Information Systems 9 (3), 1203-1229, 2012
Extensible Java EE-based agent framework–past, present, future
M Vidaković, M Ivanović, D Mitrović, Z Budimac
Multiagent Systems and Applications: Volume 1: Practice and Experience, 55-88, 2013
Extensible Java EE-based agent framework in clustered environments
D Mitrović, M Ivanović, M Vidaković, Z Budimac
Multiagent System Technologies: 12th German Conference, MATES 2014 …, 2014
Improving fault-tolerance of distributed multi-agent systems with mobile network-management agents
D Mitrović, Z Budimac, M Ivanović, M Vidaković
Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT), Proceedings of the …, 2010
Emotional intelligence and agents: Survey and possible applications
M Ivanović, M Radovanović, Z Budimac, D Mitrović, V Kurbalija, W Dai, ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2014
Different roles of agents in personalized programming learning environment
M Ivanović, D Mitrović, Z Budimac, B Vesin, L Jerinić
New Horizons in Web Based Learning: ICWL 2011 International Workshops, KMEL …, 2014
The Siebog multiagent middleware
D Mitrović, M Ivanović, M Vidaković, Z Budimac
Knowledge-based systems 103, 56-59, 2016
Introducing ALAS: A Novel Agent‐Oriented Programming Language
D Mitrović, M Ivanović, M Vidaković
AIP Conference Proceedings 1389 (1), 861-864, 2011
A scalable distributed architecture for client and server-side software agents
M Ivanović, M Vidaković, Z Budimac, D Mitrović
Vietnam Journal of Computer Science 4, 127-137, 2017
An approach of temporal difference learning using agent-oriented programming
A Badica, C Badica, M Ivanovic, D Mitrovic
2015 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science …, 2015
Agent-based distributed computing for dynamic networks
D Mitrovic, M Ivanović, Z Geler
Information Technology and Control 43 (1), 88-97, 2014
An overview of agent mobility in heterogeneous environments.
D Mitrovic, M Ivanovic, Z Budimac, M Vidakovic
WASA, 52-58, 2011
Metadata harvesting learning resources-an agent-oriented approach
M Ivanovic, D Mitrovic, Z Budimac, M Vidakovic
System Theory, Control, and Computing (ICSTCC), 2011 15th International …, 2011
Delivering the multiagent technology to end-users through the web
D Mitrović, M Ivanović, C Bădică
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2014
Intelligent multiagent systems based on distributed non-axiomatic reasoning
D Mitrović
Универзитет у Новом Саду, 2015
Evolution of extensible Java EE-based agent framework
M Ivanović, M Vidaković, D Mitrović, Z Budimac
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems. Technologies and Applications: 6th KES …, 2012
Siebog: An enterprise-scale multiagent middleware
D Mitrovic, M Ivanovic, M Vidakovic, Z Budimac
Information technology and control 45 (2), 164-174, 2016
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Articles 1–20