Eria Makridou
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the potentials of educational robotics in the development of computational thinking: A summary of current research and practical proposal for future work
A Ioannou, E Makridou
Education and Information Technologies 23 (6), 2531-2544, 2018
Education in precarious times: a comparative study across six countries to identify design priorities for mobile learning in a pandemic
T Hall, C Connolly, SÓ Grádaigh, K Burden, M Kearney, S Schuck, ...
Information and Learning Sciences 121 (5/6), 433-442, 2020
Developing third-grade students’ computational thinking skills with educational robotics
C Angeli, E Makridou
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2018
Opportunities, challenges, and training needs in the use of VR in Higher Education and SMEs: The case of Cyprus and Finland
P Kosmas, E Makridou, H Pirkkalainen, O Torro, C Vrasidas
CHI Greece 2021: 1st International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI …, 2021
Educating Educators about Virtual Reality in Virtual Reality: Effective Learning Principles Operationalized in a VR Solution
H Pirkkalainen, E Makridou, O Torro, P Kosmas, C Vrasidas, K Peltola
International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems, 75-82, 2021
Editorial for EAIT Issue 6, 2018
A Tatnall
Education and Information Technologies 23, 2289-2297, 2018
World Conference on Computers in Education 2017: Book of Abstracts
D Passey, N Mavengere
Irish Computer Society, 2017
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Articles 1–7