Experimental investigations and analysis of parasitic RF oscillations in high-power gyrotrons G Gantenbein, G Dammertz, J Flamm, S Illy, S Kern, G Latsas, B Piosczyk, ... IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38 (6), 1168-1177, 2010 | 104 | 2010 |
Design considerations for future DEMO gyrotrons: A review on related gyrotron activities within EUROfusion J Jelonnek, G Aiello, S Alberti, K Avramidis, F Braunmueller, A Bruschi, ... Fusion Engineering and Design 123, 241-246, 2017 | 59 | 2017 |
High-frequency electromagnetic modes in a dielectric-ring loaded beam tunnel IG Tigelis, JL Vomvoridis, S Tzima IEEE transactions on plasma science 26 (3), 922-930, 1998 | 59 | 1998 |
Status and future development of heating and current drive for the EU DEMO MQ Tran, P Agostinetti, G Aiello, K Avramidis, B Baiocchi, M Barbisan, ... Fusion engineering and design 180, 113159, 2022 | 57 | 2022 |
Eigenvalues and ohmic losses in coaxial gyrotron cavity ZC Ioannidis, O Dumbrajs, IG Tigelis IEEE Transactions on plasma science 34 (4), 1516-1522, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
From series production of gyrotrons for W7-X toward EU-1 MW gyrotrons for ITER J Jelonnek, F Albajar, S Alberti, K Avramidis, P Benin, T Bonicelli, ... IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42 (5), 1135-1144, 2014 | 55 | 2014 |
Dispersion characteristics of a rectangular waveguide grating AA Maragos, ZC Ioannidis, IG Tigelis IEEE transactions on plasma science 31 (5), 1075-1082, 2003 | 47 | 2003 |
Status of the development of the EU 170 GHz/1 MW/CW gyrotron IG Pagonakis, F Albajar, S Alberti, K Avramidis, T Bonicelli, ... Fusion Engineering and Design 96, 149-154, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Computational studies on scattering of radio frequency waves by density filaments in fusion plasmas ZC Ioannidis, AK Ram, K Hizanidis, IG Tigelis Physics of Plasmas 24 (10), 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Conceptual design of the EU DEMO EC-system: main developments and R&D achievements G Granucci, G Aiello, S Alberti, KA Avramidis, F Braunmüller, A Bruschi, ... Nuclear Fusion 57 (11), 116009, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
CW experiments with the EU 1-MW, 170-GHz industrial prototype gyrotron for ITER at KIT ZC Ioannidis, T Rzesnicki, F Albajar, S Alberti, KA Avramidis, W Bin, ... IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64 (9), 3885-3892, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Calculation of eigenmodes in a nonperiodic corrugated waveguide IG Tigelis, M Pedrozzi, PG Cottis, JL Vomvoridis IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 45 (2), 236-244, 1997 | 34 | 1997 |
Experimental verification of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz industrial CW prototype gyrotron for ITER T Rzesnicki, F Albajar, S Alberti, KA Avramidis, W Bin, T Bonicelli, ... Fusion Engineering and Design 123, 490-494, 2017 | 29 | 2017 |
Azimuthal mode coupling in coaxial waveguides and cavities with longitudinally corrugated insert ZC Ioannidis, KA Avramides, GP Latsas, IG Tigelis IEEE Transactions on plasma science 39 (5), 1213-1221, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Scattering from an abruptly terminated single-mode-fiber waveguide NK Uzunoglu, CN Capsalis, I Tigelis JOSA A 4 (11), 2150-2157, 1987 | 29 | 1987 |
Integration concept of an Electron Cyclotron System in DEMO T Franke, G Aiello, K Avramidis, C Bachmann, B Baiocchi, C Baylard, ... Fusion Engineering and Design 168, 112653, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
EU DEMO EC system preliminary conceptual design S Garavaglia, G Aiello, S Alberti, K Avramidis, A Bruschi, IG Chelis, ... Fusion Engineering and Design 136, 1173-1177, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Calculation of the electromagnetic waves in nonperiodic corrugated waveguides with dielectric loading GP Anastasiou, GP Latsas, IG Tigelis, M Dehler, P Queffelec, NF Dasyras IEEE transactions on plasma science 32 (3), 1310-1317, 2004 | 26 | 2004 |
Overview of recent gyrotron R&D towards DEMO within EUROfusion work package heating and current drive KA Avramidis, G Aiello, S Alberti, PT Brücker, A Bruschi, I Chelis, T Franke, ... Nuclear Fusion 59 (6), 066014, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Experimental results and recent developments on the EU 2 MW 170 GHz coaxial cavity gyrotron for ITER S Kern, JP Hogge, S Alberti, K Avramides, G Gantenbein, S Illy, ... EPJ Web of Conferences 32, 04009, 2012 | 25 | 2012 |