Julien Reveillon
Julien Reveillon
Professor of Fluid Mechanics, University of Rouen Normandy
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Analysis of weakly turbulent dilute-spray flames and spray combustion regimes
J Reveillon, L Vervisch
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 537, 317-347, 2005
DNS analysis of partially premixed combustion in spray and gaseous turbulent flame-bases stabilized in hot air
P Domingo, L Vervisch, J Réveillon
Combustion and Flame 140 (3), 172-195, 2005
Spray vaporization in nonpremixed turbulent combustion modeling: a single droplet model
J Reveillon, L Vervisch
Combustion and flame 121 (1-2), 75-90, 2000
Modeling subgrid scale mixture fraction variance in LES of evaporating spray
C Pera, J Réveillon, L Vervisch, P Domingo
Combustion and Flame 146 (4), 635-648, 2006
Effects of the preferential segregation of droplets on evaporation and turbulent mixing
J Reveillon, FX Demoulin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 583, 273-302, 2007
Effects of heat release in laminar diffusion flames lifted on round jets
J Boulanger, L Vervisch, J Reveillon, S Ghosal
Combustion and Flame 134 (4), 355-368, 2003
Estimation of the accuracy of PIV treatments for turbulent flow studies by direct numerical simulation of multi-phase flow
B Lecordier, D Demare, LMJ Vervisch, J Réveillon, M Trinite
Measurement Science and Technology 12 (9), 1382, 2001
Improving primary atomization modeling through DNS of two-phase flows
B Duret, J Reveillon, T Menard, FX Demoulin
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 55, 130-137, 2013
Large eddy simulation of liquid jet atomization
J Chesnel, J Reveillon, T Menard, FX Demoulin
Atomization and Sprays 21 (9), 2011
Evaporating droplets in turbulent reacting flows
J Reveillon, FX Demoulin
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (2), 2319-2326, 2007
Effects of residual burnt gas heterogeneity on early flame propagation and on cyclic variability in spark-ignited engines
C Pera, S Chevillard, J Reveillon
Combustion and Flame 160 (6), 1020-1032, 2013
Subgrid analysis of liquid jet atomization
J Chesnel, T Menard, J Reveillon, FX Demoulin
Atomization and Sprays 21 (1), 2011
Eulerian–Lagrangian spray atomization model coupled with interface capturing method for diesel injectors
J Anez, A Ahmed, N Hecht, B Duret, J Reveillon, FX Demoulin
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 113, 325-342, 2019
Eulerian models for turbulent spray combustion with polydispersity and droplet crossing
S De Chaisemartin, L Fréret, D Kah, F Laurent, RO Fox, J Reveillon, ...
Comptes rendus. Mécanique 337 (6-7), 438-448, 2009
Eulerian quadrature-based moment models for dilute polydisperse evaporating sprays
D Kah, F Laurent, L Fréret, S De Chaisemartin, RO Fox, J Reveillon, ...
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 85, 649-676, 2010
DNS analysis of turbulent mixing in two-phase flows
B Duret, G Luret, J Reveillon, T Ménard, A Berlemont, FX Demoulin
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 40, 93-105, 2012
Response of the dynamic LES model to heat release induced effects
J Réveillon, L Vervisch
Physics of Fluids 8 (8), 2248-2250, 1996
Subgrid-scale turbulent micromixing: Dynamic approach
J Reveillon, L Vervisch
AIAA journal 36 (3), 336-341, 1998
Influence of flow and ignition fluctuations on cycle-to-cycle variations in early flame kernel growth
C Pera, V Knop, J Reveillon
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 2897-2905, 2015
Examples of the potential of DNS for the understanding of reactive multiphase flows
J Reveillon, C Péra, Z Bouali
International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics 3 (1), 63-92, 2011
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Articles 1–20