Jon Lee
Jon Lee
G. Lawton and Louise G. Johnson Professor of Engineering, University of Michigan
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Cited by
An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs
P Bonami, LT Biegler, AR Conn, G Cornuéjols, IE Grossmann, CD Laird, ...
Discrete Optimization 5 (2), 186-204, 2008
Branching and bounds tightening techniques for non-convex MINLP
P Belotti, J Lee, L Liberti, F Margot, A Waechter
Optimization Methods & Software 24 (4-5), 597-634, 2009
Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming. The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 154
J Lee, S Leyffer
Springer, New York, 2012
An exact algorithm for maximum entropy sampling
CW Ko, J Lee, M Queyranne
Operations Research 43 (4), 684-691, 1995
Non-monotone submodular maximization under matroid and knapsack constraints
J Lee, VS Mirrokni, V Nagarajan, M Sviridenko
Proceedings of the Forty-First Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2009
On the optimal design of water distribution networks: a practical MINLP approach
C Bragalli, C D˘Ambrosio, J Lee, A Lodi, P Toth
Optimization and Engineering, 1-28, 2011
Nonlinear integer programming
R Hemmecke, M Köppe, J Lee, R Weismantel
50 Years of Integer Programming 1958-2008, 561-618, 2010
BONMIN user˘s manual
P Bonami, J Lee
Retrieved November 4, 2008, 2007
A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization
J Lee
Cambridge University Press, 2004
Maximizing nonmonotone submodular functions under matroid or knapsack constraints
J Lee, VS Mirrokni, V Nagarajan, M Sviridenko
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 23 (4), 2053-2078, 2010
Submodular maximization over multiple matroids via generalized exchange properties
J Lee, M Sviridenko, J Vondrák
Mathematics of Operations Research 35 (4), 795-806, 2010
Convex relaxations of non-convex mixed integer quadratically constrained programs: extended formulations
A Saxena, P Bonami, J Lee
Mathematical Programming 124 (1-2), 383-411, 2010
Min-up/min-down polytopes
J Lee, J Leung, F Margot
Discrete Optimization 1 (1), 77-85, 2004
Convex relaxations of non-convex mixed integer quadratically constrained programs: Projected formulations
A Saxena, P Bonami, J Lee
Mathematical programming 130 (2), 359-413, 2011
Constrained maximum-entropy sampling
J Lee
Operations Research 46 (5), 655-664, 1998
Water network design by MINLP
C Bragalli, C D˘Ambrosio, J Lee, A Lodi, P Toth
Rep. No. RC24495, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY, 2008
Polyhedral methods for piecewise-linear functions I: the lambda method
J Lee, D Wilson
Discrete Applied Mathematics 108 (3), 269-285, 2001
Discretization orders for distance geometry problems
C Lavor, J Lee, A Lee-St John, L Liberti, A Mucherino, M Sviridenko
Optimization Letters 6 (4), 783-796, 2012
On branching rules for convex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization
P Bonami, J Lee, S Leyffer, A Wächter
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 18, 2.6, 2013
Expressing combinatorial optimization problems by systems of polynomial equations and Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
JA De Loera, J Lee, S Margulies, S Onn
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 18, 551-582, 2009
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Articles 1–20