Le gorrec
Le gorrec
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Common themes in siRNA-mediated epigenetic silencing pathways.
A Verdel, A Vavasseur, M Le Gorrec, L Touat-Todeschini
International Journal of Developmental Biology 53, 2009
Structural bases for the affinity-driven selection of a public TCR against a dominant human cytomegalovirus epitope
S Gras, X Saulquin, JB Reiser, E Debeaupuis, K Echasserieau, ...
The Journal of Immunology 183 (1), 430-437, 2009
Crystal structure of the IrrE protein, a central regulator of DNA damage repair in Deinococcaceae
A Vujičić-Žagar, R Dulermo, M Le Gorrec, F Vannier, P Servant, ...
Journal of molecular biology 386 (3), 704-716, 2009
Steric hindrance and fast dissociation explain the lack of immunogenicity of the minor histocompatibility HA-1Arg Null allele
E Spierings, S Gras, JB Reiser, B Mommaas, M Almekinders, MGD Kester, ...
The Journal of Immunology 182 (8), 4809-4816, 2009
Analysis of relationships between peptide/MHC structural features and naive T cell frequency in humans
JB Reiser, F Legoux, S Gras, E Trudel, A Chouquet, A Léger, M Le Gorrec, ...
The Journal of Immunology 193 (12), 5816-5826, 2014
Strong atomic HLA-peptide interactions explain the immunogenicity of the HA-1 minor H antigen
E Spierings, S Gras, J Reiser, B Mommaas, M Almekinders, M Kester, ...
TISSUE ANTIGENS 72 (3), 248-248, 2008
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