Haijun Liu
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Cited by
Laboratory experiment on drip emitter clogging with fresh water and treated sewage effluent
H Liu, G Huang
Agricultural water management 96 (5), 745-756, 2009
Potato evapotranspiration and yields under different drip irrigation regimes
Y Kang, FX Wang, HJ Liu, BZ Yuan
2004 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2004
Evaluation on the responses of maize (Zea mays L.) growth, yield and water use efficiency to drip irrigation water under mulch condition in the Hetao irrigation …
H Liu, X Wang, X Zhang, L Zhang, Y Li, G Huang
Agricultural Water Management 179, 144-157, 2017
Responses of drip irrigated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) yield, quality and water productivity to various soil matric potential thresholds in an arid region of Northwest China
J Zheng, G Huang, D Jia, J Wang, M Mota, LS Pereira, Q Huang, X Xu, ...
Agricultural Water Management 129, 181-193, 2013
Winter wheat canopy-interception with its influence factors under sprinkler irrigation
Y Kang, QG Wang, HJ Liu, PS Liu
2004 ASAE Annual Meeting, 1, 2004
Responses of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) evapotranspiration and yield to sprinkler irrigation regimes
H Liu, L Yu, Y Luo, X Wang, G Huang
Agricultural water management 98 (4), 483-492, 2011
Effects of water deficits on growth, yield and water productivity of drip-irrigated onion (Allium cepa L.) in an arid region of Northwest China
J Zheng, G Huang, J Wang, Q Huang, LS Pereira, X Xu, H Liu
Irrigation science 31, 995-1008, 2013
Irrigation scheduling strategies based on soil matric potential on yield and fruit quality of mulched-drip irrigated chili pepper in Northwest China
H Liu, H Yang, J Zheng, D Jia, J Wang, Y Li, G Huang
Agricultural water management 115, 232-241, 2012
Airflow characteristics, energy balance and eddy covariance measurements in a banana screenhouse
J Tanny, L Haijun, S Cohen
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 139 (1-2), 105-118, 2006
Effect of sprinkler irrigation on microclimate in the winter wheat field in the North China Plain
HJ Liu, Y Kang
Agricultural Water Management 84 (1-2), 3-19, 2006
Sprinkler irrigation scheduling of winter wheat in the North China Plain using a 20 cm standard pan
HJ Liu, Y Kang
Irrigation Science 25, 149-159, 2007
Nitrate nitrogen accumulation and leaching pattern at a winter wheat: summer maize cropping field in the North China Plain
Y Li, H Liu, G Huang, R Zhang, H Yang
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-12, 2016
Sap flow, canopy conductance and microclimate in a banana screenhouse
L Haijun, S Cohen, JH Lemcoff, Y Israeli, J Tanny
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 201, 165-175, 2015
Climate change trend and its effects on reference evapotranspiration at Linhe Station, Hetao Irrigation District
X Wang, H Liu, L Zhang, R Zhang
Water Science and Engineering 7 (3), 250-266, 2014
Quantitative estimation of climate change effects on potential evapotranspiration in Beijing during 1951–2010
H Liu, Y Li, T Josef, R Zhang, G Huang
Journal of Geographical Sciences 24, 93-112, 2014
Patterns of cereal yield growth across China from 1980 to 2010 and their implications for food production and food security
X Li, N Liu, L You, X Ke, H Liu, M Huang, SR Waddington
PLoS One 11 (7), e0159061, 2016
Field evaluation on water productivity of winter wheat under sprinkler or surface irrigation in the North China plain
HJ Liu, Y Kang, SM Yao, ZQ Sun, SP Liu, QG Wang
Irrigation and Drainage 62 (1), 37-49, 2013
Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on yield and water productivity of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in the arid environment of Northwest China
H Yang, H Liu, J Zheng, Q Huang
Irrigation science 36, 61-74, 2018
An assessment of irrigation practices: Sprinkler irrigation of winter wheat in the North China Plain
X Wang, G Huang, J Yang, Q Huang, H Liu, L Yu
Agricultural Water Management 159, 197-208, 2015
Stemflow of water on maize and its influencing factors
H Liu, R Zhang, L Zhang, X Wang, Y Li, G Huang
Agricultural Water Management 158, 35-41, 2015
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Articles 1–20