Oscar Lopez Jaramillo
Oscar Lopez Jaramillo
PhD Geography Student, Arizona State University
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Revisiting the electron microprobe method of spinel-olivine-orthopyroxene oxybarometry applied to spinel peridotites
FA Davis, E Cottrell, SK Birner, JM Warren, OG Lopez
American Mineralogist 102 (2), 421-435, 2017
Content analysis of interviews with hydrogen fuel cell vehicle drivers in Los Angeles
O Lopez Jaramillo, R Stotts, S Kelley, M Kuby
Transportation Research Record 2673 (9), 377-388, 2019
How early hydrogen fuel cell vehicle adopters geographically evaluate a network of refueling stations in California
S Kelley, A Krafft, M Kuby, O Lopez, R Stotts, J Liu
Journal of Transport Geography 89, 102897, 2020
How drivers decide whether to get a fuel cell vehicle: An ethnographic decision model
R Stotts, OG Lopez-Jaramillo, S Kelley, A Krafft, M Kuby
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (12), 8736-8748, 2021
Collaborative Geodesign for Alternative-Fuel Station Location using “Collablocation” Software
M Kuby, K Bailey, F Wei, J Fowler, D Tong, Q Zhong, O Lopez, W Sheaffer
Transportation Research Record 2672 (24), 98-108, 2018
Hydrogen station location planning via geodesign in connecticut: Comparing optimization models and structured stakeholder collaboration
O Lopez Jaramillo, J Rinebold, M Kuby, S Kelley, D Ruddell, R Stotts, ...
Energies 14 (22), 7747, 2021
Hydrogen refueling station consideration and driver experience in California
A Krafft, S Kelley, M Kuby, OG Lopez Jaramillo, R Stotts
Transportation research record 2675 (1), 280-293, 2021
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Drivers and Future Station Planning: Lessons from a mixed-methods approach
S Kelley, M Kuby, OL Jaramillo, R Stotts, A Krafft, D Ruddell
Johnson Matthey Technology Review 64 (3), 279-286, 2020
Towards improved volcanic emissions budgets: opportunities arising from a new global database of volcanic degassing data
BT McCormick, E Cottrell, OG Lopez, E Venzke, TA Mather, DM Pyle
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, V13A-2588, 2013
Geodesign Platforms for Node-Based Transportation Facility Location Planning
O Lopez
Arizona State University, 2023
Variations in Oxygen Fugacity among Forearc Peridotites from the Tonga Trench
S Birner, JM Warren, E Cottrell, OG Lopez, FA Davis, T Falloon
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, V13I-02, 2013
Upper mantle oxygen fugacity in ridge and subduction zone settings recorded by spinel peridotite
OG Lopez, E Cottrell, JM Warren
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, T51D-2632, 2012
Oxygen fugacity of the upper mantle recorded by spinel
O Lopez, E Cottrell, J Warren
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