An exact solution algorithm for maximizing the fleet availability of a unit of aircraft subject to flight and maintenance requirements A Gavranis, G Kozanidis European Journal of Operational Research 242 (2), 631-643, 2015 | 92 | 2015 |
A mixed integer knapsack model for allocating funds to highway safety improvements E Melachrinoudis, G Kozanidis Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 36 (9), 789-803, 2002 | 68 | 2002 |
Flight and maintenance planning of military aircraft for maximum fleet availability G Kozanidis, G Liberopoulos, C Pitsilkas Military Operations Research, 53-73, 2010 | 61 | 2010 |
Performance evaluation of an automatic transfer line with WIP scrapping during long failures G Liberopoulos, G Kozanidis, P Tsarouhas Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 9 (1), 62-83, 2007 | 49 | 2007 |
Recovery mechanisms in day-ahead electricity markets with non-convexities-Part I: Design and evaluation methodology P Andrianesis, G Liberopoulos, G Kozanidis, AD Papalexopoulos IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 960-968, 2012 | 41 | 2012 |
A branch & bound algorithm for the 0-1 mixed integer knapsack problem with linear multiple choice constraints G Kozanidis, E Melachrinoudis Computers & Operations Research 31 (5), 695-711, 2004 | 41 | 2004 |
A multiobjective model for maximizing fleet availability under the presence of flight and maintenance requirements G Kozanidis Journal of Advanced Transportation 43 (2), 155-182, 2009 | 40 | 2009 |
Heuristics for flight and maintenance planning of mission aircraft G Kozanidis, A Gavranis, G Liberopoulos Annals of Operations Research 221, 211-238, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Solving the linear multiple choice knapsack problem with two objectives: profit and equity G Kozanidis Computational Optimization and Applications 43, 261-294, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
Recovery mechanisms in day-ahead electricity markets with non-convexities-Part II: Implementation and numerical evaluation P Andrianesis, G Liberopoulos, G Kozanidis, AD Papalexopoulos IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 969-977, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Mixed integer least squares optimization for flight and maintenance planning of mission aircraft G Kozanidis, A Gavranis, E Kostarelou Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 59 (3‐4), 212-229, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Exact solution methodologies for linear and (mixed) integer bilevel programming GKD Saharidis, AJ Conejo, G Kozanidis Metaheuristics for bi-level optimization, 221-245, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
The linear multiple choice knapsack problem with equity constraints G Kozanidis, E Melachrinoudis, MM Solomon International Journal of Operational Research 1 (1-2), 52-73, 2005 | 23 | 2005 |
Mixed integer parametric bilevel programming for optimal strategic bidding of energy producers in day-ahead electricity markets with indivisibilities G Kozanidis, E Kostarelou, P Andrianesis, G Liberopoulos Optimization 62 (8), 1045-1068, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Production scheduling of a multi-grade PET resin plant G Liberopoulos, G Kozanidis, O Hatzikonstantinou Computers & chemical engineering 34 (3), 387-400, 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
Integrating operational hedging of exchange rate risk in the optimal design of global supply chain networks P Longinidis, MC Georgiadis, G Kozanidis Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (24), 6311-6325, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Energy-reserve markets with non-convexities: An empirical analysis P Andrianesis, G Liberopoulos, G Kozanidis 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech, 1-8, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Mixed integer biobjective quadratic programming for maximum-value minimum-variability fleet availability of a unit of mission aircraft A Gavranis, G Kozanidis Computers & Industrial Engineering 110, 13-29, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Recovery mechanisms in a joint energy/reserve day-ahead electricity market with non-convexities P Andrianesis, G Liberopoulos, G Kozanidis, AD Papalexopoulos 2010 7th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 1-6, 2010 | 14 | 2010 |
Bilevel programming solution algorithms for optimal price-bidding of energy producers in multi-period day-ahead electricity markets with non-convexities E Kostarelou, G Kozanidis Optimization and Engineering 22, 449-484, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |