Creativity support tools: Report from a US National Science Foundation sponsored workshop B Shneiderman, G Fischer, M Czerwinski, M Resnick, B Myers, L Candy, ... International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 20 (2), 61-77, 2006 | 376 | 2006 |
Supporting exploratory search, introduction, special issue, communications of the ACM RW White, B Kules, SM Drucker Communications of the ACM 49 (4), 36-39, 2006 | 306 | 2006 |
What do exploratory searchers look at in a faceted search interface? B Kules, R Capra, M Banta, T Sierra Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2009 | 236 | 2009 |
Users can change their web search tactics: Design guidelines for categorized overviews B Kules, B Shneiderman Information Processing & Management 44 (2), 463-484, 2008 | 158 | 2008 |
A comparison of voice controlled and mouse controlled web browsing K Christian, B Kules, B Shneiderman, A Youssef Proceedings of the fourth international ACM conference on Assistive …, 2000 | 130 | 2000 |
From keyword search to exploration: Designing future search interfaces for the web ML Wilson, B Kules, B Shneiderman Foundations and TrendsŪ in Web Science 2 (1), 1-97, 2010 | 124 | 2010 |
Categorizing web search results into meaningful and stable categories using fast-feature techniques B Kules, J Kustanowitz, B Shneiderman Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2006 | 93 | 2006 |
Computational thinking is critical thinking: Connecting to university discourse, goals, and learning outcomes B Kules Proceedings of the association for information science and technology 53 (1 …, 2016 | 84 | 2016 |
Creativity support tool evaluation methods and metrics T Hewett, M Czerwinski, M Terry, J Nunamaker, L Candy, B Kules, ... Creativity Support Tools, 10-24, 2005 | 81 | 2005 |
Creating exploratory tasks for a faceted search interface B Kules, R Capra Proc. of HCIR 2008, 18-21, 2008 | 77 | 2008 |
Exploratory search interfaces: categorization, clustering and beyond: report on the XSI 2005 workshop at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, University of Maryland RW White, B Kules, B Bederson ACM SIGIR Forum 39 (2), 52-56, 2005 | 73 | 2005 |
Influence of training and stage of search on gaze behavior in a library catalog faceted search interface B Kules, R Capra Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 (1 …, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
User modeling for adaptive and adaptable software systems B Kules ACM Conference on Universal Usability, 16-17, 2000 | 61 | 2000 |
schraefel, mc (2006). Supporting exploratory search RW White, B Kules, SM Drucker Communications of the ACM 49 (4), 36-39, 2006 | 58 | 2006 |
Heuristic evaluation of healthy eating apps for older adults I Watkins, B Kules, X Yuan, B Xie Journal of Consumer Health On the Internet 18 (2), 105-127, 2014 | 55 | 2014 |
Designing exploratory search tasks for user studies of information seeking support systems B Kules, R Capra Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2009 | 53 | 2009 |
Immediate usability: a case study of public access design for a community photo library B Kules, H Kang, C Plaisant, A Rose, B Shneiderman Interacting with Computers 16 (6), 1171-1193, 2004 | 47 | 2004 |
mc schraefel, and B. Shneiderman. From keyword search to exploration: Designing future search interfaces for the web ML Wilson, B Kules Foundations and Trends in Web Science 2 (1), 1-97, 2010 | 42 | 2010 |
Older adults searching for health information in MedlinePlus–an exploratory study of faceted online search interfaces B Kules, B Xie Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2011 | 35 | 2011 |
Supporting exploratory web search with meaningful and stable categorized overviews WM Kules III University of Maryland, College Park, 2006 | 33 | 2006 |