Anastasia Alevriadou
Anastasia Alevriadou
Professor of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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Expressive and receptive vocabulary in children with Williams and Down syndromes
A Ypsilanti, G Grouios, A Alevriadou, K Tsapkini
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 49 (5), 353-364, 2005
Excess of non‐right handedness among individuals with intellectual disability: experimental evidence and possible explanations
G Grouios, N Sakadami, A Poderi, A Alevriadou
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 43 (4), 306-313, 1999
Theory of mind abilities in children with Down syndrome and non-specific intellectual disabilities: An empirical study with some educational implications
S Giaouri, A Alevriadou, E Tsakiridou
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (2), 3883-3887, 2010
Reading preferences and strategies employed by primary school students: gender, socio-cognitive and citizenship issues.
E Griva, A Alevriadou, K Semoglou
International Education Studies 5 (2), 24-34, 2012
Professional burnout in general and special education teachers: The role of interpersonal coping strategies
K Pavlidou, A Alevriadou, AS Antoniou
European Journal of Special Needs Education 37 (2), 191-205, 2022
Parental perspectives on inclusive education for children with intellectual disabilities in Greece
M Tryfon, A Anastasia, R Eleni
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 67 (6), 397-405, 2021
Quality of life in Parkinson's disease: Greek translation and validation of the Parkinson's disease questionnaire (PDQ-39)
Z Katsarou, S Bostantjopoulou, V Peto, A Alevriadou, G Kiosseoglou
Quality of Life Research 10, 159-163, 2001
Do the hands talk on mind's behalf? Differences in language ability between left-and right-handed children
D Natsopoulos, G Kiosseoglou, A Xeromeritou, A Alevriadou
Brain and Language 64 (2), 182-214, 1998
Representations of disability from the perspective of people with disabilities and their families: a critical discourse analysis of disability groups on Facebook
AG Stamou, A Alevriadou, F Soufla
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 18 (1), 1-16, 2016
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test variables in relation to motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease
A Alevriadou, Z Katsarou, S Bostantjopoulou, G Kiosseoclou, ...
Perceptual and motor skills 89 (3), 824-830, 1999
Abnormality of N30 somatosensory evoked potentials in Parkinson’s disease: a multidisciplinary approach
S Bostantjopoulou, Z Katsarou, D Zafiriou, G Gerasimou, A Alevriadou, ...
Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology 30 (6), 368-376, 2000
A qualitative study of poor and good bilingual readers strategy use in EFL reading
E Griva, A Alevriadou, A Geladari
The International Journal of Learning 16 (1), 51-72, 2009
Active Citizenship and contexts of special education
A Alevriadou, L Lang
CiCe, 2011
Deductive and inductive reasoning in Parkinson's disease patients and normal controls: Review and experimental evidence
D Natsopoulos, Z Katsarou, A Alevriadou, G Grouios, S Bostantzopoulou, ...
Cortex 33 (3), 463-481, 1997
Teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education: a cross-national exploration
G Charitaki, I Kourti, JL Gregory, M Ozturk, Z Ismail, A Alevriadou, ...
Trends in Psychology, 1-28, 2022
Teachers’ interpersonal style and its relationship to emotions, causal attributions, and type of challenging behaviors displayed by students with intellectual disabilities
A Alevriadou, K Pavlidou
Journal of intellectual disabilities 20 (3), 213-227, 2016
Οδηγός Ολοήμερου Νηπιαγωγείου
Α Αλευριάδου, ΚΠ Βρυνιώτη, ΑΓ Κυρίδης, Ε Σιβροπούλου-Θεοδοσιάδου, ...
Ειδική Υπηρεσία Εφαρμογής Προγραμμάτων ΚΠΣ ΥΠΕΠΘ (ΕΥΕΠ ΥΠΕΠΘ), ISBN …, 2011
Concurrent validity of the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence in Parkinson's disease patients
S Bostantjopoulou, G Kiosseoglou, Z Katsarou, A Alevriadou
The Journal of Psychology 135 (2), 205-212, 2001
Profiles of teachers’ work engagement in special education: The impact of burnout and job satisfaction
AS Antoniou, K Pavlidou, G Charitaki, A Alevriadou
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 71 (4), 650-667, 2024
The impact of executive functions on the written language process: Some evidence from children with writing disabilities
A Alevriadou, S Giaouri
Journal of psychologists and counsellors in schools 25 (1), 24-37, 2015
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Articles 1–20