Fernando Perez Fontan
Fernando Perez Fontan
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Statistical modeling of the LMS channel
FP Fontan, M Vázquez-Castro, CE Cabado, JP Garcia, E Kubista
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 50 (6), 1549-1567, 2001
Modelling the wireless propagation channel: a simulation approach with Matlab
P Fernando, P Mari
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Efficient ray-tracing acceleration techniques for radio propagation modeling
FA Agelet, A Formella, JMH Rabanos, FI De Vicente, FP Fontan
IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology 49 (6), 2089-2104, 2000
The UAV low elevation propagation channel in urban areas: Statistical analysis and time-series generator
M Simunek, FP Fontan, P Pechac
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 61 (7), 3850-3858, 2013
Versatile twostate land mobile satellite channel model with first application to DVBSH analysis
R PrietoCerdeira, F PerezFontan, P Burzigotti, A BoleaAlamañac, ...
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 28 (56 …, 2010
Impact of early oseltamivir treatment on outcome in critically ill patients with 2009 pandemic influenza A
A Rodríguez, E Díaz, I Martín-Loeches, A Sandiumenge, L Canadell, ...
Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 66 (5), 1140-1149, 2011
S-band LMS propagation channel behaviour for different environments, degrees of shadowing and elevation angles
F Pérez-Fontán, MA Vázquez-Castro, S Buonomo, JP Poiares-Baptista, ...
IEEE transactions on broadcasting 44 (1), 40-76, 2002
Detection and tracking of mobile propagation channel paths
T Jost, W Wang, UC Fiebig, F Perez-Fontan
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 60 (10), 4875-4883, 2012
Introduction to mobile communications engineering
JM Hernando, F Pérez-Fontán
Artech House, Inc., 1999
Complex envelope threestate Markov model based simulator for the narrowband LMS channel
FP Fontan, JP González, MJS Ferreiro, MAV Castro, S Buonomo, ...
International Journal of Satellite Communications 15 (1), 1-15, 1997
Fast ray tracing for microcellular and indoor environments
FA Agelet, FP Fontan, A Formella
IEEE transactions on Magnetics 33 (2), 1484-1487, 1997
Shadowing correlation assessment and modeling for satellite diversity in urban environments
M VazquezCastro, F PerezFontan, SR Saunders
International Journal of Satellite Communications 20 (2), 151-166, 2002
Ka-band propagation measurements and statistics for land mobile satellite applications
E Kubista, FP Fontan, MAV Castro, S Buonomo, BR Arbesser-Rastburg, ...
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 49 (3), 973-983, 2000
Excess loss model for low elevation links in urban areas for UAVs
M Simunek, P Pechac, FP Fontán
Radioengineering 20 (3), 561-568, 2011
Review of generative models for the narrowband land mobile satellite propagation channel
FP Fontan, A Mayo, D Marote, R PrietoCerdeira, P Mariño, F Machado, ...
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 26 (4), 291-316, 2008
Propagation measurements and comparison with EM techniques for in-cabin wireless networks
N Moraitis, P Constantinou, F Perez Fontan, P Valtr
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2009, 1-13, 2009
Characterization of the aeronautical satellite navigation channel through highresolution measurement and physical optics simulation
A Steingass, A Lehner, F PérezFontán, E Kubista, B ArbesserRastburg
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 26 (1), 1-30, 2008
DVB-SH analysis using a multi-state land mobile satellite channel model
P Burzigotti, R Prieto-Cerdeira, A Bolea-Alamanac, F Perez-Fontan, ...
2008 4th Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems, 149-155, 2008
Validation of the synthetic storm technique as part of a time-series generator for satellite links
I Sánchez-Lago, FP Fontán, P Marino, UC Fiebig
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 6, 372-375, 2007
Space diversity gain in urban area low elevation links for surveillance applications
M Simunek, FP Fontan, P Pechac, FJD Otero
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 61 (12), 6255-6260, 2013
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