Javier Criado (ORCID: 0000-0002-8035-5260)
Javier Criado (ORCID: 0000-0002-8035-5260)
Applied Computing Group, University of Almería
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Cited by
A recommender system for component-based applications using machine learning techniques
AJ Fernández-García, L Iribarne, A Corral, J Criado, JZ Wang
Knowledge-Based Systems 164, 68-84, 2019
A microservice architecture for real-time IoT data processing: A reusable Web of things approach for smart ports
G Ortiz, J Boubeta-Puig, J Criado, D Corral-Plaza, A Garcia-de-Prado, ...
Computer Standards & Interfaces 81, 103604, 2022
A progressive web application based on microservices combining geospatial data and the internet of things
M Mena, A Corral, L Iribarne, J Criado
IEEE access 7, 104577-104590, 2019
Toward the adaptation of component‐based architectures by model transformation: behind smart user interfaces
J Criado, D Rodríguez‐Gracia, L Iribarne, N Padilla
Software: Practice and Experience 45 (12), 1677-1718, 2015
A model-driven approach to graphical user interface runtime adaptation
J Criado, C Vicente Chicote, L Iribarne, N Padilla
M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen., 2010
Emulating home automation installations through component-based web technology
JA Asensio, J Criado, N Padilla, L Iribarne
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 777-791, 2019
A flexible data acquisition system for storing the interactions on mashup user interfaces
AJ Fernández-García, L Iribarne, A Corral, J Criado, JZ Wang
Computer Standards & Interfaces 59, 10-34, 2018
Integrating cyber-physical systems in a component-based approach for smart homes
J Criado, JA Asensio, N Padilla, L Iribarne
Sensors 18 (7), 2156, 2018
A model transformation approach for automatic composition of COTS user interfaces in web-based information systems
L Iribarne, N Padilla, J Criado, JA Asensio, R Ayala
Information Systems Management 27 (3), 207-216, 2010
Runtime adaptation of architectural models: an approach for adapting user interfaces
D Rodríguez-Gracia, J Criado, L Iribarne, N Padilla, C Vicente-Chicote
Model and Data Engineering: 2nd International Conference, MEDI 2012 …, 2012
A model-driven engineering approach for the service integration of IoT systems
D Alulema, J Criado, L Iribarne, AJ Fernández-García, R Ayala
Cluster Computing 23 (3), 1937-1954, 2020
User interface composition with cots-ui and trading approaches: Application for web-based environmental information systems
J Criado, N Padilla, L Iribarne, JA Asensio
Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability …, 2010
Digital dices: Towards the integration of cyber-physical systems merging the web of things and microservices
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, 195-205, 2019
A model-driven approach for the integration of hardware nodes in the IoT
D Alulema, J Criado, L Iribarne
New Knowledge in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 1, 801-811, 2019
Resolving Platform Specific Models at runtime using an MDE-based Trading approach
J Criado, L Iribarne, N Padilla
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Workshops: Confederated …, 2013
Open-environmental ontology modeling
L Iribarne, N Padilla, JA Asensio, J Criado, R Ayala, J Almendros, ...
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2011
SI4IoT: A methodology based on models and services for the integration of IoT systems
D Alulema, J Criado, L Iribarne, AJ Fernández-García, R Ayala
Future Generation Computer Systems 143, 132-151, 2023
A cloud service for COTS component-based architectures
J Vallecillos, J Criado, N Padilla, L Iribarne
Computer Standards & Interfaces 48, 198-216, 2016
An mde approach for runtime monitoring and adapting component-based systems: Application to wimp user interface architectures
J Criado, L Iribarne, J Troya, A Vallecillo
2012 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2012
Using COTS-widgets architectures for describing user interfaces of web-based information systems
L Iribarne, J Criado, N Padilla, JA Asensio
International Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR) 2 (3), 61-72, 2011
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Articles 1–20