Tao Chen 陈涛
Cited by
Cited by
Optimal routing and charging of an electric vehicle fleet for high-efficiency dynamic transit systems
T Chen, B Zhang, H Pourbabak, A Kavousi-Fard, W Su
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (4), 3563-3572, 2018
A review on digital twin technology in smart grid, transportation system and smart city: Challenges and future
M Jafari, A Kavousi-Fard, T Chen, M Karimi
IEEE Access 11, 17471-17484, 2023
Indirect Customer-to-Customer Energy Trading with Reinforcement Learning
T Chen, W Su
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018
Proactive Resilience of Power Systems Against Natural Disasters: A Literature Review
MA Mohamed, T Chen, W Su, T Jin
IEEE Access 7, 163778-163795, 2019
A novel consensus-based distributed algorithm for economic dispatch based on local estimation of power mismatch
H Pourbabak, J Luo, T Chen, W Su
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (6), 5930-5942, 2017
An IoT-based thermal model learning framework for smart buildings
X Zhang, M Pipattanasomporn, T Chen, S Rahman
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (1), 518-527, 2019
Local Energy Trading Behavior Modeling With Deep Reinforcement Learning
T Chen, W Su
IEEE Access 6, 62806-62814, 2018
The next-generation US retail electricity market with customers and prosumers—A bibliographical survey
T Chen, Q Alsafasfeh, H Pourbabak, W Su
Energies 11 (1), 8, 2017
An IGDT-Based Day-Ahead Co-Optimization of Energy and Reserve in a VPP Considering Multiple Uncertainties
X Yan, C Gao, M Song, T Chen, J Ding, M Guo, X Wang, D Abbes
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 58 (3), 4037-4049, 2022
Control and Energy Management System in Microgrids
H Pourbabak, T Chen, B Zhang, W Su
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.10196, 2017
Centralized, decentralized, and distributed control for Energy Internet
H Pourbabak, T Chen, W Su
The Energy Internet, 3-19, 2019
Dynamic and stability analysis of the power system with the control loop of inverter air conditioners
H Hui, Y Ding, T Chen, S Rahman, Y Song
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (3), 2725-2736, 2020
Optimal demand response strategy of commercial building‐based virtual power plant using reinforcement learning
T Chen, Q Cui, C Gao, Q Hu, K Lai, J Yang, R Lyu, H Zhang, J Zhang
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2021
An Integrated eVoucher Mechanism for Flexible Loads in Real-Time Retail Electricity Market
T Chen, H Pourbabak, Z Liang, W Su
IEEE Access 5, 2101-2110, 2017
Agent-based modeling and simulation for the electricity market with residential demand response
S Xu, X Chen, J Xie, S Rahman, J Wang, H Hui, T Chen
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 7 (2), 368-380, 2020
Optimal operation of multi-agent electricity-heat-hydrogen sharing in integrated energy system based on Nash bargaining
J Ding, C Gao, M Song, X Yan, T Chen
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 148, 108930, 2023
Control of battery charging based on reinforcement learning and long short-term memory networks
F Chang, T Chen, W Su, Q Alsafasfeh
Computers & Electrical Engineering 85, 106670, 2020
Optimal scheduling of electric vehicles car-sharing service with multi-temporal and multi-task operation
K Lai, T Chen, B Natarajan
Energy 204, 117929, 2020
Planning strategies of power-to-gas based on cooperative game and symbiosis cooperation
D Li, C Gao, T Chen, X Guo, S Han
Applied Energy 288, 116639, 2021
Consensus-based distributed control for economic operation of distribution grid with multiple consumers and prosumers
H Pourbabak, T Chen, W Su
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
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Articles 1–20