Aggelos Gkiokas
Aggelos Gkiokas
Athena Research Center / TechnAI: Technology Culture and Society
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Cited by
Music tempo estimation and beat tracking by applying source separation and metrical relations
A Gkiokas, V Katsouros, G Carayannis, T Stajylakis
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2012
Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Beat Tracking: A Dancing Robot Application
A Gkiokas, V Katsouros
ISMIR, 2017
TROMPA-MER: an open dataset for personalized Music Emotion Recognition
JS Gómez-Cañón, N Gutiérrez-Páez, L Porcaro, A Porter, E Cano, ...
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 60 (2), 549-570, 2023
Reducing Tempo Octave Errors by Periodicity Vector Coding And SVM Learning.
A Gkiokas, V Katsouros, G Carayannis
ISMIR, 301-306, 2012
Interweaving and enriching digital music collections for scholarship, performance, and enjoyment
D M. Weigl, W Goebl, T Crawford, A Gkiokas, N F. Gutierrez, A Porter, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for …, 2019
Danceconv: Dance motion generation with convolutional networks
K Kritsis, A Gkiokas, A Pikrakis, V Katsouros
IEEE Access 10, 44982-45000, 2022
Fair interconnection and enrichment of public-domain music resources on the web
DM Weigl, T Crawford, A Gkiokas, W Goebl, G Emilia, N Guti, CCS Liem, ...
Empirical Musicology Review 16 (1), 16-33, 2021
Musical track popularity mining dataset: Extension & experimentation
I Karydis, A Gkiokas, V Katsouros, L Iliadis
Neurocomputing 280, 76-85, 2018
Musical track popularity mining dataset
I Karydis, A Gkiokas, V Katsouros
Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 12th IFIP WG 12.5 …, 2016
Tempo Induction Using Filterbank Analysis and Tonal Features.
A Gkiokas, V Katsouros, G Carayannis
ISMIR, 555-558, 2010
Interactive control of explicit musical features in generative LSTM-based systems
M Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, A Gkiokas, V Katsouros
Proceedings of the audio mostly 2018 on sound in immersion and emotion, 1-7, 2018
A web-based real-time kinect application for gestural interaction with virtual musical instruments
A Zlatintsi, PP Filntisis, C Garoufis, A Tsiami, K Kritsis, ...
Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2018 on Sound in Immersion and Emotion, 1-6, 2018
An investigation of likelihood normalization for robust ASR
E Vincent, A Gkiokas, D Schnitzer, A Flexer
Interspeech, 2014
Deploying Nonlinear Image Filters to Spectrogram for Harmonic/Percussive Separation
A Gkiokas, V Papavassiliou, V Katsouros, G Carayannis
DAFX - Digital Audio Effects, 2012
A web-based 3D environment for gestural interaction with virtual music instruments as a STEAM education tool
K Kritsis, A Gkiokas, C Acosta, Q Lamerand, R Piéchaud, ...
Towards multi-purpose spectral rhythm features: An application to dance style, meter and tempo estimation
A Gkiokas, V Katsouros, G Carayannis
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 24 (11 …, 2016
Real-time detection and visualization of clarinet bad sounds
A Gkiokas, K Perifanos, S Nikolaidis
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects …, 2008
Deployment of lstms for real-time hand gesture interaction of 3d virtual music instruments with a leap motion sensor
K Kritsis, A Gkiokas, M Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, V Katsouros, A Pikrakis
Proceeding of the 15th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC2018), 331-338, 2018
Notes on the Music: A social data infrastructure for music annotation
DM Weigl, W Goebl, DJ Baker, T Crawford, F Zubani, A Gkiokas, ...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for …, 2021
Design and interaction of 3d virtual music instruments for steam education using web technologies
K Kritsis, A Gkiokas, Q Lamerand, R Piechaud, C Acosta, ...
International Conference on Sound and Music Computing (SMC 2018), Limassol …, 2018
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Articles 1–20