Efthalia Dimara
Efthalia Dimara
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Consumer demand for informative labeling of quality food and drink products: a European Union case study
E Dimara, D Skuras
Journal of consumer marketing 22 (2), 90-100, 2005
Adoption of agricultural innovations as a two‐stage partial observability process
E Dimara, D Skuras
Agricultural Economics 28 (3), 187-196, 2003
Consumer evaluations of product certification, geographic association and traceability in Greece
E Dimara, D Skuras
European journal of marketing 37 (5/6), 690-705, 2003
Adoption of a quality assurance scheme and its effect on firm performance: a study of Greek firms implementing ISO 9000
K Tsekouras, E Dimara, D Skuras
Total quality management 13 (6), 827-841, 2002
Strategic orientation and financial performance of firms implementing ISO 9000
E Dimara, D Skuras, K Tsekouras, S Goutsos
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 21 (1), 72-89, 2004
Rural tourism and visitors' expenditures for local food products
D Skuras, E Dimara, A Petrou
Regional studies 40 (7), 769-779, 2006
The effects of ISO 9001 on firms' productive efficiency
D Tzelepis, K Tsekouras, D Skuras, E Dimara
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 26 (10), 1146-1165, 2006
Resources and activities complementarities: the role of business networks in the provision of integrated rural tourism
A Petrou, EF Pantziou, E Dimara, D Skuras
Tourism Geographies 9 (4), 421-440, 2007
Don't change my towels please: Factors influencing participation in towel reuse programs
E Dimara, E Manganari, D Skuras
Tourism Management 59, 425-437, 2017
Productive efficiency and firm exit in the food sector
E Dimara, D Skuras, K Tsekouras, D Tzelepis
Food policy 33 (2), 185-196, 2008
Agricultural policy for quality and producers’ evaluations of quality marketing indicators: a Greek case study
E Dimara, A Petrou, D Skuras
Food policy 29 (5), 485-506, 2004
Regional image and the consumption of regionally denominated products
D Skuras, E Dimara
Urban Studies 41 (4), 801-815, 2004
The effects of regional capital subsidies on productivity growth: A case study of the Greek food and beverage manufacturing industry
D Skuras, K Tsekouras, E Dimara, D Tzelepis
Journal of Regional Science 46 (2), 355-381, 2006
Enhancing the impact of online hotel reviews through the use of emoticons
EE Manganari, E Dimara
Behaviour & Information Technology 36 (7), 674-686, 2017
The impacts of regulated notions of quality on farm efficiency: A DEA application
E Dimara, CJ Pantzios, D Skuras, K Tsekouras
European journal of operational research 161 (2), 416-431, 2005
Greening the lodging industry: Current status, trends and perspectives for green value
EE Manganari, E Dimara, A Theotokis
Current issues in Tourism 19 (3), 223-242, 2016
Adoption of new tobacco varieties in Greece: Impacts of empirical findings on policy design
E Dimara, D Skuras
Agricultural Economics 19 (3), 297-307, 1998
Quality, imagery and marketing: producer perspectives on quality products and services in the lagging rural regions of the European Union
B Ilbery, M Kneafsey, A Söderlund, E Dimara
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 83 (1), 27-40, 2001
Factors Influencing the Integration of Alternative Farm Enterprises Into the Agro‐Food System
Y Barlas, D Damianos, E Dimara, C Kasimis, D Skuras
Rural Sociology 66 (3), 342-358, 2001
The socio‐economics of niche market creation: A social ecology paradigm for the adoption of organic cultivation in Greece
E Dimara, A Petrou, D Skuras
International Journal of Social Economics 30 (3), 219-235, 2003
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Articles 1–20