Duks Koschitz
Cited by
Cited by
Curved crease folding: a review on art, design and mathematics
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, D Koschitz, T Tachi
Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS symposium: taller, longer, lighter, 20-23, 2011
Reconstructing David Huffman’s legacy in curved-crease folding
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, D Koschitz
Origami 5, 39-52, 2011
Characterization of curved creases and rulings: Design and analysis of lens tessellations
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, DA Huffman, D Koschitz, T Tachi
Origami 6, 209-230, 2015
Curved crease origami
D Koschitz
Abstracts from Advances in Architectural Geometry, 2008, 29-32, 2008
Conic crease patterns with reflecting rule lines
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, DA Huffman, D Koschitz, T Tachi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.01167, 2018
A review on curved creases in art, design and mathematics
E Demaine, M Demaine, D Koschitz, T Tachi
Symmetry: Culture and Science 26 (2), 145-161, 2015
Zero-area reciprocal diagram of origami
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, DA Huffman, TC Hull, D Koschitz, T Tachi
Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia 2016 (13), 1-10, 2016
Exploring algorithmic geometry with’Beetle Blocks:’A graphical programming language for generating 3D forms
D Koschitz, E Rosenbaum
Proceedings of the 15 th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics …, 2012
Designing with curved creases
D Koschitz
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, 82-103, 2016
Designing curved-crease tessellations of lenses: qualitative properties of rulings
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, DA Huffman, D Koschitz, T Tachi
6th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education …, 2014
Beetle blocks: A new visual language for designers and makers
D Koschitz, B Ramagosa, E Rosenbaum
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer …, 2016
Curved-crease Paperfolding Shell
D Koschitz
Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia 2019 (13), 1-8, 2019
Reconstructing David Huffman’s Legacy in Curved-Crease Origami
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, D Koschitz
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Articles 1–13