Greg Distelhorst
Greg Distelhorst
Associate Professor at University of Toronto
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Does Lean Improve Labor Standards? Management and Social Performance in the Nike Supply Chain
G Distelhorst, J Hainmueller, RM Locke
Management Science 63 (3), 707-728, 2017
Constituency Service Under Nondemocratic Rule: Evidence from China
G Distelhorst, Y Hou
The Journal of Politics 79 (3), 1024-1040, 2017
Production goes global, compliance stays local: Private regulation in the global electronics industry
G Distelhorst, RM Locke, T Pal, H Samel
Regulation & Governance 9 (3), 224-242, 2015
Grassroots participation and repression under Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping
D Fu, G Distelhorst
The China Journal 79 (1), 100-122, 2018
Ingroup Bias in Official Behavior: A National Field Experiment in China
G Distelhorst, Y Hou
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 9 (2), 203-230, 2014
Does compliance pay? Social standards and firm‐level trade
G Distelhorst, RM Locke
American journal of political science 62 (3), 695-711, 2018
Global purchasing as labor regulation: the missing middle
M Amengual, G Distelhorst, D Tobin
ILR Review 73 (4), 817-840, 2020
The Power of Empty Promises: Quasidemocratic Institutions and Activism in China
G Distelhorst
Comparative Political Studies 50 (4), 464-498, 2017
Performing authoritarian citizenship: Public transcripts in China
G Distelhorst, D Fu
Perspectives on Politics 17 (1), 106-121, 2019
Cooperation and punishment in regulating labor standards: Evidence from the Gap Inc supply chain
M Amengual, G Distelhorst
Available at SSRN 3466936, 2020
Publicity-driven Accountability in China
G Distelhorst
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013
Reassessing the Quality of Government in China
M Boittin, G Distelhorst, F Fukuyama
MIT Sloan Research Paper, 5181-16, 2016
Socially irresponsible employment in emerging-market manufacturers
G Distelhorst, A McGahan
Organization Science 33 (6), 2135-2158, 2022
Wages and working conditions in and out of global supply chains: A comparative empirical review
G Distelhorst, D Fu
Geneva: International Labour Office, 2018
Assessing the social impact of corporations: Evidence from management control interventions in the supply chain to increase worker wages
G Distelhorst, J Shin
Journal of Accounting Research 61 (3), 855-890, 2023
After the Foxconn suicides in China: a roundtable on labor, the state and civil society in global electronics
J Chan, G Distelhorst, D Kessler, J Lee, O Martin-Ortega, P Pawlicki, ...
Critical sociology 48 (2), 211-233, 2022
Political opportunities for participation and China’s leadership transition
D Fu, G Distelhorst
Citizens and the State in Authoritarian Regimes: Comparing China and Russia, 59, 2020
Rory Truex, Making Autocracy Work: Representation and Responsiveness in Modern China (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 213pp …
G Distelhorst
Journal of Chinese Political Science 24 (2), 361-364, 2019
Self-Regulation for Reputation-Sensitive Buyers: SA8000 in China
G Distelhorst, JC Stroehle, D Yang
Management Science, 2024
Rule of Law, Meritocracy, and Autonomy: Insights from Public Servants in China
M Boittin, G Distelhorst, F Fukuyama
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Articles 1–20