Joan Torregrosa
Cited by
Cited by
Limit Cycles of Differential Equations
C Christopher, C Li, J Torregrosa
Limit Cycles of Differential Equations, 2024
Piecewise linear perturbations of a linear center
C Buzzi, C Pessoa, J Torregrosa
Dynamical systems 33 (9), 3915-3936, 2013
Center-focus problem for discontinuous planar differential equations
A Gasull, J Torregrosa
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and …, 2003
Limit cycles in the Holling-Tanner model
A Gasull, RE Kooij, J Torregrosa
Publicacions Matematiques, 149-167, 1997
Small-amplitude limit cycles in Liénard systems via multiplicity
A Gasull, J Torregrosa
Journal of differential equations 159 (1), 186-211, 1999
Lower bounds for the maximum number of limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with a straight line of separation
J Llibre, MA Teixeira, J Torregrosa
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 23 (04), 2013
Explicit non-algebraic limit cycles for polynomial systems
A Gasull, H Giacomini, J Torregrosa
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 200 (1), 448-457, 2007
Uniqueness of limit cycles for sewing planar piecewise linear systems
JC Medrado, J Torregrosa
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 431 (1), 529-544, 2015
New lower bound for the Hilbert number in piecewise quadratic differential systems
LPC da Cruz, DD Novaes, J Torregrosa
Journal of differential equations 266 (7), 4170-4203, 2019
Center problem for several differential equations via Cherkas' method
A Gasull, J Torregrosa
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 228 (2), 322-343, 1998
A new approach to the computation of the Lyapunov constants
A Gasull, J Torregrosa
Comp. and Appl. Math 20, 149-177, 2001
On extended Chebyshev systems with positive accuracy
DD Novaes, J Torregrosa
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 448 (1), 171-186, 2017
Limit cycles for rigid cubic systems
A Gasull, R Prohens, J Torregrosa
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 303 (2), 391-404, 2005
A new algorithm for the computation of the Lyapunov constants for some degenerated critical points
A Gasull, J Torregrosa
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications 47, 4479-4490, 2001
Limit cycles in planar piecewise linear differential systems with nonregular separation line
PT Cardin, J Torregrosa
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 337, 67-82, 2016
Upper bounds for the number of zeroes for some Abelian integrals
A Gasull, JT Lázaro, J Torregrosa
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 75 (13), 5169-5179, 2012
New lower bounds for the Hilbert numbers using reversible centers
R Prohens, J Torregrosa
Nonlinearity 32 (1), 331, 2018
Lower bounds for the local cyclicity for families of centers
J Gine, LFS Gouveia, J Torregrosa
Journal of differential equations 275, 309-331, 2021
Parallelization of the Lyapunov constants and cyclicity for centers of planar polynomial vector fields
H Liang, J Torregrosa
Journal of Differential Equations 259 (11), 6494-6509, 2015
Limit cycles appearing from the perturbation of a system with a multiple line of critical points
A Gasull, C Li, J Torregrosa
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 75 (1), 278-285, 2012
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Articles 1–20