Rajendra Hegde
Rajendra Hegde
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Assessment of land suitability and capability by integrating remote sensing and GIS for agriculture in Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India
MAE AbdelRahman, A Natarajan, R Hegde
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 19 (1), 125-141, 2016
Spatial prediction of major soil properties using Random Forest techniques-A case study in semi-arid tropics of South India
S Dharumarajan, R Hegde, SK Singh
Geoderma Regional 10, 154-162, 2017
Assessment of land degradation using comprehensive geostatistical approach and remote sensing data in GIS-model builder
MAE AbdelRahman, A Natarajan, R Hegde, SS Prakash
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 22 (3), 323-334, 2019
Estimating soil fertility status in physically degraded land using GIS and remote sensing techniques in Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India
MAE AbdelRahman, A Natarajan, CA Srinivasamurthy, R Hegde
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science 19 (1), 95-108, 2016
Digital mapping of soil texture classes using Random Forest classification algorithm
S Dharumarajan, R Hegde
Soil Use and Management 38 (1), 135-149, 2022
The need for digital soil mapping in India
S Dharumarajan, R Hegde, N Janani, SK Singh
Geoderma Regional 16, e00204, 2019
Desertification vulnerability index—an effective approach to assess desertification processes: A case study in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India
S Dharumarajan, TFA Bishop, R Hegde, SK Singh
Land degradation & development 29 (1), 150-161, 2018
Digital soil mapping of soil organic carbon stocks in Western Ghats, South India
S Dharumarajan, B Kalaiselvi, A Suputhra, M Lalitha, R Vasundhara, ...
Geoderma Regional 25, e00387, 2021
Spatial and temporal volatile organic compound response of select tomato cultivars to herbivory and mechanical injury
T Raghava, P Ravikumar, R Hegde, A Kush
Plant Science 179 (5), 520-526, 2010
Digital soil mapping of key GlobalSoilMap properties in Northern Karnataka Plateau
S Dharumarajan, B Kalaiselvi, A Suputhra, M Lalitha, R Hegde, SK Singh, ...
Geoderma Regional 20, e00250, 2020
Estimation of soil loss by USLE model using remote sensing and GIS Techniques-A case study of Coastal Odisha, India
R Srinivasan, SK Singh, DC Nayak, R Hegde, M Ramesh
Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 8 (4), 321-328, 2019
Soil-based fertilizer recommendations for precision farming
V Ramamurthy, LGK Naidu, SCR Kumar, S Srinivas, R Hegde
Current Science, 641-647, 2009
Spatial prediction of major soil properties using Random Forest techniques–A case study in semi-arid tropics of South India, Geoderma Reg., 10, 154–162
S Dharumarajan, R Hegde, SK Singh
Prediction of soil depth in Karnataka using digital soil mapping approach
S Dharumarajan, R Vasundhara, A Suputhra, M Lalitha, R Hegde
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 48, 1593-1600, 2020
Evaluation of digital soil mapping approach for predicting soil fertility parameters—a case study from Karnataka Plateau, India
S Dharumarajan, M Lalitha, KV Niranjana, R Hegde
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (5), 386, 2022
Pedotransfer functions for predicting soil hydraulic properties in semi-arid regions of Karnataka Plateau, India
S Dharumarajan, R Hegde, M Lalitha, B Kalaiselvi, SK Singh
Current Science 116 (7), 1237-1246, 2019
Soil fertility evaluation under different land use system in tropical humid region of Kerala, India
M Chandrakala, M Ramesh, K Sujatha, R Hegde, SK Singh
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 24 (4), 1-13, 2018
Characterization, classification and suitability evaluation of banana growing soils of Pulivendla region, Andhra Pradesh
KV Niranjana, V Ramamurthy, R Hegde, S Srinivas, A Koyal, LGK Naidu, ...
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 59 (1), 1-5, 2011
Site-specific land resource inventory for scientific planning of Sujala watersheds in Karnataka
R Hegde, KV Niranjana, S Srinivas, BA Danorkar, SK Singh
Current Science 115 (4), 644-652, 2018
Evaluating pedogenesis and soil Atterberg limits for inducing landslides in the Western Ghats, Idukki District of Kerala, South India
M Lalitha, KSA Kumar, KM Nair, S Dharumarajan, A Koyal, S Khandal, ...
Natural Hazards 106, 487-507, 2021
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Articles 1–20