Xiangmin Zhang
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Cited by
Search behaviors in different task types
J Liu, MJ Cole, C Liu, R Bierig, J Gwizdka, NJ Belkin, J Zhang, X Zhang
Proceedings of the 10th annual joint conference on Digital libraries, 69-78, 2010
Domain knowledge, search behaviour, and search effectiveness of engineering and science students: An exploratory study.
X Zhang, HGB Anghelescu, X Yuan
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 10 (2), n2, 2005
Inferring user knowledge level from eye movement patterns
MJ Cole, J Gwizdka, C Liu, NJ Belkin, X Zhang
Information Processing & Management 49 (5), 1075-1091, 2013
Task and user effects on reading patterns in information search
MJ Cole, J Gwizdka, C Liu, R Bierig, NJ Belkin, X Zhang
Interacting with Computers 23 (4), 346-362, 2011
Assessment of the effects of user characteristics on mental models of information retrieval systems
X Zhang, M Chignell
Journal of the American society for information science and technology 52 (6 …, 2001
Prohibitive factors to the acceptance of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in society: A smart-home context using a resistive modelling approach
S Pal, D. , Zhang, X., Siyal
Technology in Society 66 (, 2021
Exploring and predicting search task difficulty
J Liu, C Liu, M Cole, NJ Belkin, X Zhang
Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and …, 2012
Rule-based word clustering for document metadata extraction
H Han, E Manavoglu, H Zha, K Tsioutsiouliklis, CL Giles, X Zhang
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1049-1053, 2005
Usefulness as the criterion for evaluation of interactive information retrieval
M Cole, J Liu, NJ Belkin, R Bierig, J Gwizdka, C Liu, J Zhang, X Zhang
Proceedings of the third workshop on human-computer interaction and …, 2009
Predicting users' domain knowledge from search behaviors
X Zhang, M Cole, N Belkin
Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2011
A quantitative approach for evaluating the quality of experience of smart-wearables from the quality of data and quality of information: An end user perspective
D Pal, V Vanijja, C Arpnikanondt, X Zhang, B Papasratorn
IEEE Access 7, 64266-64278, 2019
Exploring the Determinants of Users' Continuance Usage Intention of Smart Voice Assistants
XZ Debajyoti Pal, Mohammad Dawood Babakerkhell
IEEE Access 9 (DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3132399), 2021
Predicting users' domain knowledge in information retrieval using multiple regression analysis of search behaviors
X Zhang, J Liu, M Cole, N Belkin
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (5 …, 2015
Examining users’ knowledge change in the task completion process
J Liu, NJ Belkin, X Zhang, X Yuan
Information Processing & Management 49 (5), 1058-1074, 2013
Task difficulty and domain knowledge effects on information search behaviors
C Liu, J Liu, M Cole, NJ Belkin, X Zhang
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2012
Exploring the Antecedents of Consumer Electronics IoT Devices Purchase Decision: A Mixed Methods Study
HT Debajyoti Pal , Vajirasak Vanijja, Xiangmin Zhang
Effects of interaction design in digital libraries on user interactions
X Zhang, Y Li, J Liu, Y Zhang
Journal of documentation 64 (3), 438-463, 2008
Collaborative relevance judgment: A group consensus method for evaluating user search performance
X Zhang
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 53 (3 …, 2002
An analysis of online students’ behaviors on course sites and the effect on learning performance: A case study of four LIS online classes
X Zhang
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 57 (4), 255-270, 2016
Examination of relevance criteria choices and the information search process
A Taylor, X Zhang, WJ Amadio
Journal of Documentation 65 (5), 719-744, 2009
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