Raúl Mazo
Raúl Mazo
Professor of Software-Intensive Systems, ENSTA Bretagne
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Cited by
Dynamic adaptation of service compositions with variability models
GH Alférez, V Pelechano, R Mazo, C Salinesi, D Diaz
Journal of Systems and Software 91, 24-47, 2013
A security ontology for security requirements elicitation
A Souag, C Salinesi, R Mazo, I Comyn-Wattiau
Engineering Secure Software and Systems: 7th International Symposium, ESSoS …, 2015
Reusable knowledge in security requirements engineering: a systematic mapping study
A Souag, R Mazo, C Salinesi, I Comyn-Wattiau
Requirements Engineering, 1-33, 2015
Using constraint programming to manage configurations in self-adaptive systems
P Sawyer, R Mazo, D Diaz, C Salinesi, D Hughes
Computer 45 (10), 56-63, 2012
Constraints: The heart of domain and application engineering in the product lines engineering strategy
R Mazo, C Salinesi, D Diaz, O Djebbi, A Lora-Michiels
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) 3 …, 2012
Recommendation heuristics for improving product line configuration processes
R Mazo, C Dumitrescu, C Salinesi, D Diaz
Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering, 511-537, 2014
Feature relations graphs: A visualisation paradigm for feature constraints in software product lines
J Martinez, T Ziadi, R Mazo, TF Bissyandé, J Klein, Y Le Traon
2014 Second IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, 50-59, 2014
Constraints: The core of product line engineering
C Salinesi, R Mazo, O Djebbi, D Diaz, A Lora-Michiels
2011 Fifth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2011
Bridging the gap between product lines and systems engineering: an experience in variability management for automotive model based systems engineering
C Dumitrescu, R Mazo, C Salinesi, A Dauron
Proceedings of the 17th international software product line conference, 254-263, 2013
Transforming attribute and clone-enabled feature models into constraint programs over finite domains
R Mazo, C Salinesi, D Diaz, A Lora-Michiels
6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software …, 2011
An ontological rule-based approach for analyzing dead and false optional features in feature models
LF Rincón, GL Giraldo, R Mazo, C Salinesi
Electronic notes in theoretical computer science 302, 111-132, 2014
Comparando dos estrategias de aprendizaje activo para enseñar Scrum en un curso introductorio de ingeniería de software
SI Lozano, E Suescún, P Vallejo, R Mazo, D Correa
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería 28 (1), 83-94, 2020
VariaMos: an extensible tool for engineering (dynamic) product lines
R Mazo, JC Muñoz-Fernández, L Rincón, C Salinesi, G Tamura
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Product Line …, 2015
Conformance checking with constraint logic programming: The case of feature models
R Mazo, RE Lopez-Herrejon, C Salinesi, D Diaz, A Egyed
2011 IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 456-465, 2011
A method based on association rules to construct product line models
A Lora-Michiels, C Salinesi, R Mazo
4th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive …, 2010
Using integer constraint solving in reuse based requirements engineering
C Salinesi, R Mazo, D Diaz, O Djebbi
2010 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 243-251, 2010
Using constraint programming to verify DOPLER variability models
R Mazo, P Grünbacher, W Heider, R Rabiser, C Salinesi, D Diaz
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Variability Modeling of …, 2011
A generic approach for automated verification of product line models
R Mazo
Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris I, 2011
VMWare: Tool support for automatic verification of structural and semantic correctness in product line models
C Salinesi, C Rolland, R Mazo
International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive …, 2009
Defects in Product Line Models and how to Identify them
C Salinesi, R Mazo
Software Product Line-Advanced Topic, 97-122, 2012
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Articles 1–20