Mina Konaković Luković
Mina Konaković Luković
Assistant Professor, MIT
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Beyond developable: computational design and fabrication with auxetic materials
M Konaković, K Crane, B Deng, S Bouaziz, D Piker, M Pauly
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (4), 1-11, 2016
RoboGrammar: graph grammar for terrain-optimized robot design
A Zhao, J Xu, M Konaković-Luković, J Hughes, A Spielberg, D Rus, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 39 (6), 1-16, 2020
Rapid deployment of curved surfaces via programmable auxetics
M Konaković-Luković, J Panetta, K Crane, M Pauly
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 37 (4), 1-13, 2018
X-shells: A new class of deployable beam structures
J Panetta, M Konaković-Luković, F Isvoranu, E Bouleau, M Pauly
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 38 (4), 1-15, 2019
Accelerated discovery of 3D printing materials using data-driven multiobjective optimization
T Erps, M Foshey, MK Luković, W Shou, HH Goetzke, H Dietsch, K Stoll, ...
Science Advances 7 (42), eabf7435, 2021
Diversity-guided multi-objective bayesian optimization with batch evaluations
M Konakovic Lukovic, Y Tian, W Matusik
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 17708-17720, 2020
A Double-Layered Timber Plate Shell-Computational Methods for Assembly, Prefabrication, and Structural Design
C Robeller, M Konakovic, M Dedijer, M Pauly, Y Weinand
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016 5 (CONF), 104-122, 2016
Double-layered timber plate shell
C Robeller, M Konaković, M Dedijer, M Pauly, Y Weinand
International Journal of Space Structures 32 (3-4), 160-175, 2017
Computational Design of Deployable Auxetic Shells
M Konaković-Luković, P Konaković, M Pauly
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018, 94-111, 2018
AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experiment Design Platform
Y Tian, MK Luković, T Erps, M Foshey, W Matusik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05959, 2021
AutODEx: Automated Optimal Design of Experiments Platform with Data-and Time-Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization
Y Tian, PV Konakovic, B Li, A Zuniga, M Foshey, T Erps, W Matusik, ...
NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Adaptive Experimental Design and Active Learning in …, 2023
Method of encoding a 3d shape into a 2d surface
M Konakovic-lukovic, K Crane, M Pauly, J Panetta
US Patent App. 16/186,901, 2020
Systems and methods for formulating material in a data-driven manner
MJ Foshey, TP Erps, MK Lukovic, W Matusik, W Shou, K Stoll, ...
US Patent App. 17/061,548, 2021
Computational Design of Auxetic Shells
M Konaković Luković
EPFL, 2019
AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experimental Design Platform with Data-and Time-Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization
Y Tian, MK Lukovic, M Foshey, T Erps, B Li, W Matusik
Boundary Exploration for Bayesian Optimization With Unknown Physical Constraints
Y Tian, A Zuniga, X Zhang, JP Dürholt, P Das, J Chen, W Matusik, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.07692, 2024
Systems and methods for formulating material in a data-driven manner
MJ Foshey, TP Erps, MK Lukovic, W Matusik, W Shou, K Stoll, ...
US Patent App. 18/225,246, 2023
Method of encoding a 3d shape into a 2d surface
M Konakovic-Lukovic, K Crane, M Pauly, J Panetta
Diversity-Guided Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization With Batch Evaluations-Supplementary
MK Lukovic, Y Tian, W Matusik
X-Shells Supplementary Material
J Panetta, M Konakovic-Lukovic, F Isvoranu, E Boleau, M Pauly
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Articles 1–20