Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis
Remous-Aris Koutsiamanis
IMT Atlantique, France
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Cited by
Mobile guides: Taxonomy of architectures, context awareness, technologies and applications
C Emmanouilidis, RA Koutsiamanis, A Tasidou
Journal of network and computer applications 36 (1), 103-125, 2013
From best effort to deterministic packet delivery for wireless industrial IoT networks
RA Koutsiamanis, GZ Papadopoulos, X Fafoutis, JM Del Fiore, P Thubert, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (10), 4468-4480, 2018
myVisitPlanner GR: Personalized Itinerary Planning System for Tourism
I Refanidis, C Emmanouilidis, I Sakellariou, A Alexiadis, RA Koutsiamanis, ...
Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications: 8th Hellenic Conference …, 2014
Federated learning for 5G base station traffic forecasting
V Perifanis, N Pavlidis, RA Koutsiamanis, PS Efraimidis
Computer Networks 235, 109950, 2023
A game-theoretic analysis of preventing spam over Internet Telephony via audio CAPTCHA-based authentication
Y Soupionis, RA Koutsiamanis, P Efraimidis, D Gritzalis
Journal of Computer Security 22 (3), 383-413, 2014
Meet the PAREO functions: Towards reliable and available wireless networks
RA Koutsiamanis, GZ Papadopoulos, TL Jenschke, P Thubert, ...
ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2020
Alternative parent selection for multi-path RPL networks
TL Jenschke, GZ Papadopoulos, RA Koutsiamanis, N Montavont
2019 IEEE 5th world forum on internet of things (WF-IoT), 533-538, 2019
TAOF: Traffic aware objective function for RPL-based networks
C Ji, RA Koutsiamanis, N Montavont, P Chatzimisios, D Dujovne, ...
2018 Global information infrastructure and networking symposium (GIIS), 1-5, 2018
ODeSe: On-Demand Selection for multi-path RPL networks
TL Jenschke, RA Koutsiamanis, GZ Papadopoulos, N Montavont
Ad Hoc Networks 114, 102431, 2021
Thorough performance evaluation & analysis of the 6TiSCH minimal scheduling function (MSF)
D Hauweele, RA Koutsiamanis, B Quoitin, GZ Papadopoulos
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 94 (1), 3-25, 2022
Prince: an effective router mechanism for networks with selfish flows
L Tsavlidis, P Efraimidis, RA Koutsiamanis
Journal of Internet Engineering 6 (1), 355-362, 2016
Towards energy-aware federated traffic prediction for cellular networks
V Perifanis, N Pavlidis, SF Yilmaz, F Wilhelmi, E Guerra, M Miozzo, ...
2023 Eighth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC …, 2023
Pushing 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF) to the Limits
D Hauweele, RA Koutsiamanis, B Quoitin, GZ Papadopoulos
IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2020), 2020
Multi-path selection in RPL based on replication and elimination
T Lagos Jenschke, RA Koutsiamanis, GZ Papadopoulos, N Montavont
Ad-hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: 17th International Conference on Ad …, 2018
Rfc 6550: on minimizing the control plane traffic of RPL-based industrial networks
D Sourailidis, RA Koutsiamanis, GZ Papadopoulos, D Barthel, ...
2020 IEEE 21st International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2020
Defragmenting the 6lowpan fragmentation landscape: A performance evaluation
A Bruniaux, RA Koutsiamanis, GZ Papadopoulos, N Montavont
Sensors 21 (5), 1711, 2021
Common Ancestor Objective Function and Parent Set DAG Metric Container Extension
RA Koutsiamanis, G Papadopoulos, N Montavont, P Thubert
IETF, RAW WG; draft-ietf-roll-nsa-extension-06, 2020
Exploiting Packet Replication and Elimination in Complex Tracks in LLNs, draft papadopoulos-raw-pareo-reqs-01
GZ Papadopoulos, RA Koutsiamanis, N Montavont, P Thubert
IETF, 2019
Traffic-aware Objective Function
RA Koutsiamanis, GZ Papadopoulos, EI Sanchez, C Ji, D Dujovne, ...
IETF, ROLL WG, Internet-Draft draft-koutsiamanis-roll-traffic-aware-of-00 …, 2019
Scheduling uwb ranging and backbone communications in a pure wireless indoor positioning system
M Charlier, RA Koutsiamanis, B Quoitin
IoT 3 (1), 219-258, 2022
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Articles 1–20