George Fouskitakis
George Fouskitakis
Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of
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A statistical method for the detection of sensor abrupt faults in aircraft control systems
PA Samara, GN Fouskitakis, JS Sakellariou, SD Fassois
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 16 (4), 789-798, 2008
Remote monitoring of the Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)(Diptera: Tephritidae) population using an automated McPhail trap
L Doitsidis, GN Fouskitakis, KN Varikou, II Rigakis, SA Chatzichristofis, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 137, 69-78, 2017
Aircraft angle-of-attack virtual sensor design via a functional pooling NARX methodology
PA Samara, GN Fouskitakis, JS Sakellariou, SD Fassois
2003 European Control Conference (ECC), 1816-1821, 2003
Functional series TARMA modelling and simulation of earthquake ground motion
GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 31 (2), 399-420, 2002
Aircraft virtual sensor design via a time-dependent functional pooling NARX methodology
PA Samara, JS Sakellariou, GN Fouskitakis, JD Hios, SD Fassois
Aerospace Science and Technology 29 (1), 114-124, 2013
On the estimation of nonstationary functional series TARMA models: An isomorphic matrix algebra based method
GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 123 (4), 601-610, 2001
Pseudolinear estimation of fractionally integrated ARMA (ARFIMA) models with automotive application
GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
IEEE transactions on signal processing 47 (12), 3365-3380, 1999
Detection of sensor abrupt faults in aircraft control systems
PA Samara, JS Sakellariou, GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, 2003. CCA 2003 …, 2003
Stochastic analysis of geo-electric field singularities as seismically correlated candidates
A Konstantaras, GN Fouskitakis, JP Makris, F Vallianatos
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 8 (6), 1451-1462, 2008
Integrated Pest Control for the Olive-Fruit Fly: Remote Pest Monitoring and Optimized Bait-Sprays.
GN Fouskitakis, L Doitsidis, KN Varikou, II Rigakis, I Sarantopoulos, ...
HAICTA, 721-733, 2017
Non-stationary stochastic modeling and simulation of strong earthquake ground motion: an exploratory study
GN Fouskitakis, JS Sakellariou, SD Fassois
Proceedings of the 5th National Congress on Mechanics, Ioannina, Greece, 742-749, 1998
Long-memory modeling and prediction of automotive active suspension power consumption
GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference (Cat. No. 97CH36041) 5 …, 1997
Non-stationary modelling and simulation of near-source earthquake ground motion: ARMA and neural network methods
PS Skjærbæk, PH Kirkegaard, GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering, Aalborg University, 1996
On the estimation of long-memory time series models
GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
1997 European Control Conference (ECC), 343-348, 1997
Remote monitoring of the Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)(Diptera: Tephritidae) population using an automated McPhail trap
AE Birouraki, KN Varikou, L Doitsidis, SA Chatzichristofis, GN Fouskitakis, ...
Elsevier, 2017
Parametric and Non-Parametric Vibration-Based Structural Identification Under Earthquake Excitation
FP Pentaris, GN Fouskitakis, JP Makris
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7700, 2014
Geo-electromagnetic Signal Analysis prior to the Kythira Mw 6.9 Earthquake on January 2006
A Konstantaras, G Fouskitakis, JP Makris, F Vallianatos, MR Varley
Non-Stationary Functional Series TARMA Modeling of Strong Ground Motion: The Case of Kythira Island Mw 6.9 Earthquake in Greece
GN Fouskitakis, FK Vallianatos
Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 09699, 2007
A pseudo-linear method for fractionally integrated ARMA (ARFIMA) model estimation
GN Fouskitakis, SD Fassois
Proceedings of 8th Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 267-270, 1996
Optimization of Bait Sprays Against Dacus Oleae Using Embedded Systems, GIS and Web-Based Applications
GN Fouskitakis, LD Doitsidis, II Rigakis, KN Varikou, IV Sarantopoulos, ...
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