Tony T. Tran
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Cited by
Decomposition methods for the parallel machine scheduling problem with setups
TT Tran, A Araujo, JC Beck
INFORMS Journal on Computing 28 (1), 83-95, 2016
A hybrid quantum-classical approach to solving scheduling problems
T Tran, M Do, E Rieffel, J Frank, Z Wang, B O'Gorman, D Venturelli, J Beck
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search 7 (1), 98-106, 2016
Mixed-integer and constraint programming techniques for mobile robot task planning
KEC Booth, TT Tran, G Nejat, JC Beck
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 1 (1), 500-507, 2016
Logic-based benders decomposition for alternative resource scheduling with sequence dependent setups
TT Tran, JC Beck
ECAI 2012, 774-779, 2012
Robots in retirement homes: Applying off-the-shelf planning and scheduling to a team of assistive robots
TT Tran, T Vaquero, G Nejat, JC Beck
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 58, 523-590, 2017
Integrating queueing theory and scheduling for dynamic scheduling problems
D Terekhov, TT Tran, DG Down, JC Beck
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 50, 535-572, 2014
Logic-based decomposition methods for the travelling purchaser problem
KEC Booth, TT Tran, JC Beck
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming: 13th …, 2016
Multi-stage resource-aware scheduling for data centers with heterogeneous servers
TT Tran, M Padmanabhan, PY Zhang, H Li, DG Down, JC Beck
Journal of Scheduling 21, 251-267, 2018
Scheduling Ocean Color Observations for a GEO-Stationary Satellite
J Frank, M Do, TT Tran
ICAPS, 2016
Explorations of quantum-classical approaches to scheduling a mars lander activity problem
TT Tran, Z Wang, M Do, EG Rieffel, J Frank, B O'gorman, D Venturelli, ...
Workshops at the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016
Long-run stability in dynamic scheduling
D Terekhov, T Tran, D Down, JC Beck
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2012
Investigating two-machine dynamic flow shops based on queueing and scheduling
D Terekhov, TT Tran, JC Beck
Proceedings of ICAPS 10, 2010
Intruder alert! Optimization models for solving the mobile robot graph-clear problem
M Morin, MP Castro, KEC Booth, TT Tran, C Liu, JC Beck
Constraints 23, 335-354, 2018
An investigation of phase transitions in single-machine scheduling problems
Z Wang, B O'Gorman, T Tran, E Rieffel, J Frank, M Do
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2017
Hybrid queueing theory and scheduling models for dynamic environments with sequence-dependent setup times
T Tran, D Terekhov, D Down, J Beck
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2013
Scheduling a multi-cable electric vehicle charging facility
TT Tran, MK Dogru, U Ozen, C Beck
Proceedings of SPARK 13, 20-26, 2013
Resource-aware scheduling for data centers with heterogenous servers
TT Tran, PY Zhang, H Li, DG Down, JC Beck
Using queueing analysis to guide combinatorial scheduling in dynamic environments
T Tran
An addendum to nebula: Towards extending team costar’s solution to larger scale environments
B Morrell, K Otsu, A Agha, DD Fan, SK Kim, MF Ginting, X Lei, J Edlund, ...
IEEE Transactions on Field Robotics, 2024
Decomposition Models for Complex Scheduling Applications
TT Tran
University of Toronto (Canada), 2017
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Articles 1–20