Kostas Patroumpas
Kostas Patroumpas
Information Systems Management Institute, Athena Research Center
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Cited by
Sampling trajectory streams with spatiotemporal criteria
M Potamias, K Patroumpas, T Sellis
18th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database …, 2006
Online event recognition from moving vessel trajectories
K Patroumpas, E Alevizos, A Artikis, M Vodas, N Pelekis, Y Theodoridis
GeoInformatica 21, 389-427, 2017
Window specification over data streams
K Patroumpas, T Sellis
International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 445-464, 2006
On-line discovery of hot motion paths
D Sacharidis, K Patroumpas, M Terrovitis, V Kantere, M Potamias, ...
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Extending database …, 2008
Triplegeo: an etl tool for transforming geospatial data into rdf triples.
K Patroumpas, M Alexakis, G Giannopoulos, S Athanasiou
Edbt/Icdt Workshops 1133, 275-278, 2014
Multiplexing trajectories of moving objects
K Patroumpas, K Toumbas, T Sellis
Scientific and Statistical Database Management: 24th International …, 2012
Maintaining consistent results of continuous queries under diverse window specifications
K Patroumpas, T Sellis
Information Systems 36 (1), 42-61, 2011
Towards geospatial semantic data management: strengths, weaknesses, and challenges ahead
K Patroumpas, G Giannopoulos, S Athanasiou
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2014
Event Recognition for Maritime Surveillance.
K Patroumpas, A Artikis, N Katzouris, M Vodas, Y Theodoridis, N Pelekis
EDBT, 629-640, 2015
Exposing INSPIRE on the semantic web
K Patroumpas, N Georgomanolis, T Stratiotis, M Alexakis, S Athanasiou
Journal of Web Semantics 35, 53-62, 2015
Big Data Analytics for Time Critical Mobility Forecasting: Recent Progress and Research Challenges.
GA Vouros, A Vlachou, GM Santipantakis, C Doulkeridis, N Pelekis, ...
EDBT, 612-623, 2018
SPARTAN: Semantic integration of big spatio-temporal data from streaming and archival sources
GM Santipantakis, A Glenis, K Patroumpas, A Vlachou, C Doulkeridis, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 540-555, 2020
Towards a flexible and scalable fleet management service
A Efentakis, S Brakatsoulas, N Grivas, G Lamprianidis, K Patroumpas, ...
Proceedings of the Sixth ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on …, 2013
Event processing and real-time monitoring over streaming traffic data
K Patroumpas, T Sellis
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 11th International …, 2012
Amnesic online synopses for moving objects
M Potamias, K Patroumpas, T Sellis
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2006
Big POI data integration with Linked Data technologies.
S Athanasiou, G Giannopoulos, D Graux, N Karagiannakis, J Lehmann, ...
EDBT, 477-488, 2019
Monitoring orientation of moving objects around focal points
K Patroumpas, T Sellis
International symposium on spatial and temporal databases, 228-246, 2009
Google earth and XML: advanced visualization and publishing of geographic information
E Stefanakis, K Patroumpas
International Perspectives on maps and the Internet, 143-152, 2008
Online amnesic summarization of streaming locations
M Potamias, K Patroumpas, T Sellis
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 10th International Symposium …, 2007
Probabilistic range monitoring of streaming uncertain positions in geosocial networks
K Patroumpas, M Papamichalis, T Sellis
Scientific and Statistical Database Management: 24th International …, 2012
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Articles 1–20