T.J. Ruigrok
T.J. Ruigrok
Other namesT.J.H. Ruigrok
doctor of Physics, Erasmus MC Rotterdam
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Cited by
Microcircuitry and function of the inferior olive
CI De Zeeuw, CC Hoogenraad, SKE Koekkoek, TJH Ruigrok, N Galjart, ...
Trends in neurosciences 21 (9), 391-400, 1998
Deletion of FMR1 in Purkinje cells enhances parallel fiber LTD, enlarges spines, and attenuates cerebellar eyelid conditioning in Fragile X syndrome
SKE Koekkoek, K Yamaguchi, BA Milojkovic, BR Dortland, TJH Ruigrok, ...
Neuron 47 (3), 339-352, 2005
Cerebellar LTD and learning-dependent timing of conditioned eyelid responses
SKE Koekkoek, HC Hulscher, BR Dortland, RA Hensbroek, Y Elgersma, ...
Science 301 (5640), 1736-1739, 2003
Cerebellar modules operate at different frequencies
H Zhou, Z Lin, K Voges, C Ju, Z Gao, LWJ Bosman, TJH Ruigrok, ...
elife 3, e02536, 2014
Topography of cerebellar nuclear projections to the brain stem in the rat
TM Teune, J Van Der Burg, J Van Der Moer, J Voogd, TJH Ruigrok
Progress in brain research 124, 141-172, 2000
Ultrastructural study of the GABAergic, cerebellar, and mesodiencephalic innervation of the cat medial accessory olive: anterograde tracing combined with immunocytochemistry
CI De Zeeuw, JC Holstege, TJH Ruigrok, J Voogd
Journal of Comparative Neurology 284 (1), 12-35, 1989
Organization of the vestibulocerebellum
JAN Voogd, NM Gerrits, TJH Ruigrok
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 781 (1), 553-579, 1996
The distribution of climbing and mossy fiber collateral branches from the copula pyramidis and the paramedian lobule: congruence of climbing fiber cortical zones and the …
J Voogd, J Pardoe, TJH Ruigrok, R Apps
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (11), 4645-4656, 2003
Cerebellar modules and their role as operational cerebellar processing units
R Apps, R Hawkes, S Aoki, F Bengtsson, AM Brown, G Chen, TJ Ebner, ...
The Cerebellum 17, 654-682, 2018
The organization of the corticonuclear and olivocerebellar climbing fiber projections to the rat cerebellar vermis: the congruence of projection zones and the zebrin pattern
J Voogd, TJH Ruigrok
Journal of neurocytology 33 (1), 5-21, 2004
Precerebellar nuclei and red nucleus
TJH Ruigrok
The rat nervous system, 167-204, 2004
Ins and outs of cerebellar modules
TJH Ruigrok
The cerebellum 10, 464-474, 2011
Cholinergic innervation and receptors in the cerebellum
D Jaarsma, TJH Ruigrok, R Caffé, C Cozzari, AI Levey, E Mugnaini, ...
Progress in brain research 114, 67-96, 1997
Deformation of network connectivity in the inferior olive of connexin 36-deficient mice is compensated by morphological and electrophysiological changes at the single neuron level
CI De Zeeuw, E Chorev, A Devor, Y Manor, RS Van Der Giessen, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (11), 4700-4711, 2003
Excitatory cerebellar nucleocortical circuit provides internal amplification during associative conditioning
Z Gao, M Proietti-Onori, Z Lin, MM Ten Brinke, HJ Boele, JW Potters, ...
Neuron 89 (3), 645-657, 2016
Precise spatial relationships between mossy fibers and climbing fibers in rat cerebellar cortical zones
A Pijpers, R Apps, J Pardoe, J Voogd, TJH Ruigrok
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (46), 12067-12080, 2006
Differential olivo-cerebellar cortical control of rebound activity in the cerebellar nuclei
FE Hoebeek, L Witter, TJH Ruigrok, CI De Zeeuw
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (18), 8410-8415, 2010
A new combination of WGA-HRP anterograde tracing and GABA immunocytochemistry applied to afferents of the cat inferior olive at the ultrastructural level
CI De Zeeuw, JC Holstege, F Calkoen, TJH Ruigrok, J Voogd
Brain research 447 (2), 369-375, 1988
Organization of projections from the inferior olive to the cerebellar nuclei in the rat
TJH Ruigrok, J Voogd
Journal of Comparative Neurology 426 (2), 209-228, 2000
Anterograde tracing of the rat olivocerebellar system with Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA‐L). Demonstration of climbing fiber collateral innervation of the cerebellar …
JJL Van der Want, L Wiklund, M Guegan, T Ruigrok, J Voogd
Journal of Comparative Neurology 288 (1), 1-18, 1989
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Articles 1–20