Mohamed Bakillah
Mohamed Bakillah
Director of the RAK GIS Centre, UAE; Associated Senior Researcher, GIScience Research Group
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Cited by
Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest
M Bakillah, S Liang, A Mobasheri, J Jokar Arsanjani, A Zipf
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (9), 1940-1963, 2014
Road-based travel recommendation using geo-tagged images
Y Sun, H Fan, M Bakillah, A Zipf
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 53, 110-122, 2015
Toward mapping land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information
J Jokar Arsanjani, M Helbich, M Bakillah, J Hagenauer, A Zipf
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27 (12), 2264-2278, 2013
Assessing the quality of OpenStreetMap contributors together with their contributions
JJ Arsanjani, C Barron, M Bakillah, M Helbich
Proceedings of the AGILE, 14-17, 2013
Geo-located community detection in Twitter with enhanced fast-greedy optimization of modularity: the case study of typhoon Haiyan
M Bakillah, RY Li, SHL Liang
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29 (2), 258-279, 2015
The emergence and evolution of OpenStreetMap: a cellular automata approach
J Jokar Arsanjani, M Helbich, M Bakillah, L Loos
International Journal of Digital Earth 8 (1), 76-90, 2015
Exploiting big VGI to improve routing and navigation services
M Bakillah, J Lauer, SHL Liang, A Zipf, J Jokar Arsanjani, A Mobasheri, ...
Big data techniques and technologies in geoinformatics, 177-192, 2014
Understanding the potential relationship between the socio-economic variables and contributions to OpenStreetMap
J Jokar Arsanjani, M Bakillah
International Journal of Digital Earth 8 (11), 861-876, 2015
Exploiting volunteered geographic information to ease land use mapping of an urban landscape
J Jokar Arsanjani, M Helbich, M Bakillah
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2013
Extraction of landmarks from OpenStreetMap for use in navigational instructions
A Rousell, S Hahmann, M Bakillah, A Mobasheri
Proceedings of the AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science …, 2015
Semantic interoperability of sensor data with Volunteered Geographic Information: A unified model
M Bakillah, SHL Liang, A Zipf, JJ Arsanjani
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2 (3), 766-796, 2013
A dynamic and context-aware semantic mediation service for discovering and fusion of heterogeneous sensor data
M Bakillah, SHL Liang, A Zipf, MA Mostafavi
Journal of Spatial Information Science, 155-185, 2013
Open geospatial data, software and standards
M Bakillah, S Liang
Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards 1, 1-2, 2016
Towards an efficient routing web processing service through capturing real-time road conditions from big data
M Bakillah, SHL Liang, A Mobasheri, A Zipf
2013 5th computer science and electronic engineering conference (CEEC), 152-155, 2013
Modeling spatial interactions between areas to assess the burglary risk
LW Mburu, M Bakillah
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5 (4), 47, 2016
Mapping between dynamic ontologies in support of geospatial data integration for disaster management
M Bakillah, MA Mostafavi, J Brodeur, Y Bédard
Geomatics solutions for disaster management, 201-224, 2007
Toward a collective tagging Android application for gathering accessibility-related geospatial data in European cities
M Bakillah, A Mobasheri, A Rousell, S Hahmann, J Jokar, SH Liang
Parameters 10, 21, 2014
A fuzzy logic semantic mapping approach for fuzzy geospatial ontologies
M Bakillah, MA Mostafavi
SEMAPRO 2011 The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Semantic …, 2011
Toward coupling sensor data and volunteered geographic information (VGI) with agent-based transport simulation in the context of smart cities
M Bakillah, SHL Liang, A Zipf
Proceedings of the First ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Sensor Web Enablement, 17-23, 2012
SIM‐NET: A View‐Based Semantic Similarity Model for Ad Hoc Networks of Geospatial Databases
M Bakillah, Y Bédard, MA Mostafavi, J Brodeur
Transactions in GIS 13 (5‐6), 417-447, 2009
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Articles 1–20