Nicolas Reuge
Nicolas Reuge
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Multifluid Eulerian modeling of dense gas–solids fluidized bed hydrodynamics: influence of the dissipation parameters
N Reuge, L Cadoret, C Coufort-Saudejaud, S Pannala, M Syamlal, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 63 (22), 5540-5551, 2008
Occurrence of metolachlor and trifluralin losses in the Save river agricultural catchment during floods
L Boithias, S Sauvage, L Taghavi, G Merlina, JL Probst, JMS Pérez
Journal of Hazardous Materials 196, 210-219, 2011
CVD and CVI of pyrocarbon from various precursors
GL Vignoles, F Langlais, C Descamps, A Mouchon, H Le Poche, N Reuge, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 188, 241-249, 2004
Elastomer biaxial characterization using bubble inflation technique. I: Experimental investigations
N Reuge, FM Schmidt, Y Le Maoult, M Rachik, F Abbé
Polymer Engineering & Science 41 (3), 522-531, 2001
Chemical vapor synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles: experimental and preliminary modeling studies
N Reuge, R Bacsa, P Serp, B Caussat
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (46), 19845-19852, 2009
Modeling of isobaric–isothermal chemical vapor infiltration: effects of reactor control parameters on a densification
N Reuge, GL Vignoles
Journal of materials processing technology 166 (1), 15-29, 2005
Silicon chemical vapor deposition on macro and submicron powders in a fluidized bed
L Cadoret, N Reuge, S Pannala, M Syamlal, C Rossignol, J Dexpert-Ghys, ...
Powder Technology 190 (1-2), 185-191, 2009
Silicon CVD on powders in fluidized bed: Experimental and multifluid Eulerian modelling study
L Cadoret, N Reuge, S Pannala, M Syamlal, C Coufort, B Caussat
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (22-23), 8919-8923, 2007
Elastomer biaxial characterization using bubble inflation technique. II: Numerical investigation of some constitutive models
M Rachik, F Schmidtt, N Reuge, Y Le Maoult, F Abbeé
Polymer Engineering & Science 41 (3), 532-541, 2001
Multifluid Eulerian modelling of a silicon Fluidized Bed Chemical Vapor Deposition process: Analysis of various kinetic models
N Reuge, L Cadoret, B Caussat
Chemical Engineering Journal 148 (2-3), 506-516, 2009
Interaction between a reactive preform and the surrounding gas-phase during CVI
GL Vignoles, C Descamps, N Reuge
Le Journal de Physique IV 10 (PR2), Pr2-9-Pr2-17, 2000
Hygrothermal effects and moisture kinetics in a bio-based multi-layered wall: Experimental and numerical studies
N Reuge, F Collet, S Pretot, S Moisette, M Bart, O Style, A Shea, C Lanos
Construction and Building Materials 240, 117928, 2020
A dimensionless study of the evaporation and drying stages in spray pyrolysis
N Reuge, B Caussat
Computers & chemical engineering 31 (9), 1088-1099, 2007
Modélisation globale de l'infiltration chimique en phase vapeur (CVI) et étude de la chimie du dépôt de pyrocarbone en CVD/CVI
N Reuge
Université Sciences et Technologies-Bordeaux I, 2002
Y2O3: Eu micronic particles synthesised by spray pyrolysis: Global modelling and optimisation of the evaporation stage
N Reuge, J Dexpert-Ghys, M Verelst, B Caussat
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 47 (4), 731-743, 2008
Water transport in bio-based porous materials: a model of local kinetics of sorption—application to three hemp concretes
N Reuge, S Moissette, M Bart, F Collet, C Lanos
Transport in Porous Media 128, 821-836, 2019
Modeling of hygrothermal transfers through a bio-based multilayered wall tested in a bi-climatic room
N Reuge, F Collet, S Pretot, S Moissette, M Bart, C Lanos
Journal of Building Engineering 32, 101470, 2020
Hygric properties of materials used for ISOBIO wall solution for new buildings
F Collet, S Pretot, V Colson, CR Gamble, N Reuge, C Lanos
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 37 (2), 349-355, 2019
Modelling of pyrocarbon chemical vapor infiltration
N Reuge, GL Vignoles, H Le Poche, F Langlais
Advances in Science and Technology 36, 259-266, 2002
Modeling of the denebulization of warm fogs by hygroscopic seeding: effect of various operating conditions and of the turbulence intensity
N Reuge, P Fede, JF Berthoumieu, F Foucoin, O Simonin
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56 (2), 249-261, 2017
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Articles 1–20