Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Senior Member IEEE
Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, Senior Member IEEE
Professor, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, India
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A machine learning-based protocol for efficient routing in opportunistic networks
DK Sharma, SK Dhurandher, I Woungang, RK Srivastava, A Mohananey, ...
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2207-2213, 2016
Weight based adaptive clustering in wireless ad hoc networks
SK Dhurandher, GV Singh
2005 IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, 2005 …, 2005
HBPR: history based prediction for routing in infrastructure-less opportunistic networks
SK Dhurandher, DK Sharma, I Woungang, S Bhati
2013 IEEE 27th international Conference on advanced information networking …, 2013
Security in mobile ad-hoc networks using soft encryption and trust-based multi-path routing
P Narula, SK Dhurandher, S Misra, I Woungang
Computer Communications 31 (4), 760-769, 2008
Faces: friend-based ad hoc routing using challenges to establish security in MANETs systems
SK Dhurandher, MS Obaidat, K Verma, P Gupta, P Dhurandher
IEEE Systems Journal 5 (2), 176-188, 2010
An ant swarm-inspired energy-aware routing protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks
S Misra, SK Dhurandher, MS Obaidat, P Gupta, K Verma, P Narula
Journal of systems and software 83 (11), 2188-2199, 2010
Vehicular security through reputation and plausibility checks
SK Dhurandher, MS Obaidat, A Jaiswal, A Tiwari, A Tyagi
IEEE Systems Journal 8 (2), 384-394, 2013
Routing in opportunistic networks
I Woungang, SK Dhurandher, A Anpalagan, AV Vasilakos
Springer, 2013
kROp: k-Means clustering based routing protocol for opportunistic networks
DK Sharma, SK Dhurandher, D Agarwal, K Arora
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 1289-1306, 2019
EEAODR: an energyefficient ad hoc ondemand routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks
SK Dhurandher, S Misra, MS Obaidat, V Bansal, PR Singh, V Punia
International Journal of Communication Systems 22 (7), 789-817, 2009
An ant colony optimization approach for reputation and qualityofservicebased security in wireless sensor networks
SK Dhurandher, S Misra, MS Obaidat, N Gupta
Security and Communication Networks 2 (2), 215-224, 2009
GAER: genetic algorithm-based energy-efficient routing protocol for infrastructure-less opportunistic networks
SK Dhurandher, DK Sharma, I Woungang, R Gupta, S Garg
The Journal of Supercomputing 69, 1183-1214, 2014
Using bee algorithm for peer-to-peer file searching in mobile ad hoc networks
SK Dhurandher, S Misra, P Pruthi, S Singhal, S Aggarwal, I Woungang
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 34 (5), 1498-1508, 2011
Detecting blackhole attacks on DSR-based mobile ad hoc networks
I Woungang, SK Dhurandher, RD Peddi, MS Obaidat
2012 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication …, 2012
A survey of overlay and underlay paradigms in cognitive radio networks
B Kumar, S Kumar Dhurandher, I Woungang
International Journal of Communication Systems 31 (2), e3443, 2018
UWSim: A simulator for underwater sensor networks
SK Dhurandher, S Misra, MS Obaidat, S Khairwal
Simulation 84 (7), 327-338, 2008
Multi-path trust-based secure AOMDV routing in ad hoc networks
JW Huang, I Woungang, HC Chao, MS Obaidat, TY Chi, SK Dhurandher
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference-GLOBECOM 2011, 1-5, 2011
Trust-based security protocol against blackhole attacks in opportunistic networks
S Gupta, SK Dhurandher, I Woungang, A Kumar, MS Obaidat
2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2013
Using honeynodes for defense against jamming attacks in wireless infrastructure-based networks
S Misra, SK Dhurandher, A Rayankula, D Agrawal
Computers & electrical engineering 36 (2), 367-382, 2010
EDR: an encounter and distance based routing protocol for opportunistic networks
SK Dhurandher, S Borah, I Woungang, DK Sharma, K Arora, D Agarwal
2016 IEEE 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2016
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