Dr Dimitra Gamvroula MSc, PhD
Dr Dimitra Gamvroula MSc, PhD
University of West Attica
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Cited by
Groundwater quality assessment in Oropos–Kalamos basin, Attica, Greece
G Stamatis, D Alexakis, D Gamvroula, G Migiros
Environmental Earth Sciences 64, 973-988, 2011
Diagnosis of groundwater quality and assessment of contamination sources in the Megara basin (Attica, Greece)
D Gamvroula, D Alexakis, G Stamatis
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 6, 2367-2381, 2013
Distribution of trace elements in stream sediments of Arta plain (western Hellas): the influence of geomorphological parameters
K Papadopoulou-Vrynioti, D Alexakis, GD Bathrellos, HD Skilodimou, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 134, 17-26, 2013
Arsenic, Chromium, and Other Potentially Toxic Elements in the Rocks and Sediments of Oropos‐Kalamos Basin, Attica, Greece
D Alexakis, D Gamvroula
Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2014 (1), 718534, 2014
Spatial distribution and evaluation of arsenic and zinc content in the soil of a karst landscape
DE Alexakis, GD Bathrellos, HD Skilodimou, DE Gamvroula
Sustainability 13 (12), 6976, 2021
Land suitability mapping using geochemical and spatial analysis methods
DE Alexakis, GD Bathrellos, HD Skilodimou, DE Gamvroula
Applied Sciences 11 (12), 5404, 2021
Environmental availability of potentially toxic elements in an agricultural Mediterranean site
D Alexakis, D Gamvroula, E Theofili
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 25 (2), 169-178, 2019
Wildfire effects on soil quality: Application on a suburban area of West Attica (Greece)
D Alexakis, I Kokmotos, D Gamvroula, G Varelidis
Geosciences Journal 25, 243-253, 2021
Evaluating toxic element contamination sources in groundwater bodies of two Mediterranean sites
DE Alexakis, K Kiskira, D Gamvroula, C Emmanouil, CS Psomopoulos
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 34400-34409, 2021
Multivariate statistical analysis and geospatial mapping for assessing groundwater quality in West El Minia District, Egypt
E Ismail, MG Snousy, DE Alexakis, DE Gamvroula, G Howard, E El Sayed, ...
Water 15 (16), 2909, 2023
Evaluating the performance of water quality indices: application in surface water of lake union, Washington state-USA
DE Gamvroula, DE Alexakis
Hydrology 9 (7), 116, 2022
Forecasting discharge rate and chloride content of karstic spring water by applying the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm
GK Bekas, DE Alexakis, DE Gamvroula
Environmental Earth Sciences 80 (11), 404, 2021
Machine learning approach for rapid estimation of five-day biochemical oxygen demand in wastewater
PG Asteris, DE Alexakis, MZ Tsoukalas, DE Gamvroula, D Guney
Water 15 (1), 103, 2022
Elements’ content in stream sediment and wildfire ash of suburban areas in West Attica (Greece)
M Doufexi, DE Gamvroula, DE Alexakis
Water 14 (3), 310, 2022
Combining artificial neural network and driver–pressure–state–impact–response approach for evaluating a mediterranean lake
C Tsitsis, DE Alexakis, K Moustris, DE Gamvroula
Water 15 (2), 266, 2023
Evaluation of the water quality status of two surface water reservoirs in a Mediterranean island
G Pavlidis, E Ploumistou, H Karasali, K Liapis, C Anagnostopoulos, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-20, 2018
Application of tracer method and hydrochemical analyses regarding the investigation of the coastal karstic springs and the submarine spring (Anavalos) in Stoupa Bay (W. Mani …
G Stamatis, G Migiros, A Kontari, E Dikarou, D Gamvroula
Advances in the Research of Aquatic Environment: Volume 1, 459-467, 2011
Spatial distribution and evaluation of arsenic and zinc content in the soil of a karst landscape. Sustainability 13 (12): 6976
DE Alexakis, GD Bathrellos, HD Skilodimou, DE Gamvroula
Arsenic, chromium, and other potentially toxic elements in the rocks and sediments of Oropos-Kalamos basin, Attica, Greece. Appl Environ Soil Sci 2014: 718534
D Alexakis, D Gamvroula
Evaluate the spatial distribution of trace elements in soil of a karst terrain
GD Bathrellos, HD Skilodimou, DE Gamvroula, DE Alexakis
Carbonates and Evaporites 39 (2), 41, 2024
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Articles 1–20