Vassiliki Koutsonikola
Vassiliki Koutsonikola
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LDAP: framework, practices, and trends
V Koutsonikola, A Vakali
IEEE Internet Computing 8 (5), 66-72, 2004
Co-clustering tags and social data sources
E Giannakidou, V Koutsonikola, A Vakali, Y Kompatsiaris
2008 The Ninth International Conference on Web-Age Information Management …, 2008
Time-aware web users' clustering
SG Petridou, VA Koutsonikola, AI Vakali, GI Papadimitriou
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20 (5), 653-667, 2008
A fuzzy bi-clustering approach to correlate web users and pages
VA Koutsonikola, AI Vakali
International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 1 (1-2), 3-23, 2009
Emotional aware clustering on micro-blogging sources
K Tsagkalidou, V Koutsonikola, A Vakali, K Kafetsios
Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: 4th International …, 2011
Micro-blogging content analysis via emotionally-driven clustering
D Chatzakou, V Koutsonikola, A Vakali, K Kafetsios
2013 humaine association conference on affective computing and intelligent …, 2013
A divergence-oriented approach for web users clustering
SG Petridou, VA Koutsonikola, AI Vakali, GI Papadimitriou
Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2006: International …, 2006
Clustering of social tagging system users: A topic and time based approach
V Koutsonikola, A Vakali, E Giannakidou, I Kompatsiaris
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2009: 10th International Conference …, 2009
Social data sentiment analysis in smart environments-extending dual polarities for crowd pulse capturing
A Vakali, D Chatzakou, V Koutsonikola, G Andreadis
International conference on data management technologies and applications 2 …, 2013
A structure-based clustering on LDAP directory information
V Koutsonikola, A Vakali, A Mpalasas, M Valavanis
Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 17th International Symposium, ISMIS 2008 …, 2008
A new approach to web users clustering and validation: a divergence‐based scheme
VA Koutsonikola, SG Petridou, AI Vakali, GI Papadimitriou
International Journal of Web Information Systems 5 (3), 348-371, 2009
Correlating time-related data sources with co-clustering
V Koutsonikola, S Petridou, A Vakali, H Hacid, B Benatallah
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2008: 9th International Conference …, 2008
Social data sentiment analysis in smart environments
A Vakali, D Chatzakou, V Koutsonikola, G Andreadis
In & out zooming on time-aware user/tag clusters
E Giannakidou, V Koutsonikola, A Vakali, I Kompatsiaris
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 38, 685-708, 2012
Exploring temporal aspects in user-tag co-clustering
E Giannakidou, V Koutsonikola, A Vakali, I Kompatsiaris
11th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive …, 2010
Towards a user-aware virtual museum
C Zigkolis, V Koutsonikola, D Chatzakou, S Karagiannidis, M Giatsoglou, ...
2011 Third International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2011
Automatic extraction of structure, content and usage data statistics of web sites
I Paparrizos, V Koutsonikola, L Angelis, A Vakali
Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 301-302, 2010
A Clustering-Driven LDAP Framework
V Koutsonikola, A Vakali
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 5 (3), 1-34, 2011
XML and LDAP Integration: Issues and Trends
V Koutsonikola, A Vakali
Open and Novel Issues in XML Database Applications: Future Directions and …, 2009
2010 Awards for Excellence
VA Koutsonikola, SG Petridou, AI Vakali, GI PapadimitriouDepartment
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Articles 1–20