Yintong Chen
Yintong Chen
Postdoc at UPenn; Salk Institute for Biological Studies; Pennsylvania State University
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Cited by
Stomata-mediated interactions between plants, herbivores, and the environment
PA Lin*, Y Chen* (co-first author), G Ponce, FE Acevedo, JP Lynch, ...
Trends in plant science 27 (3), 287-300, 2022
Balancing strength and flexibility: how the synthesis, organization, and modification of guard cell walls govern stomatal development and dynamics
Y Rui, Y Chen, B Kandemir, H Yi, JZ Wang, VM Puri, CT Anderson
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1202, 2018
Silencing the alarm: an insect salivary enzyme closes plant stomata and inhibits volatile release
PA Lin*, Y Chen* (co-first author), D Chaverra‐Rodriguez, CC Heu, ...
New Phytologist 230 (2), 793-803, 2021
PECTATE LYASE LIKE12 patterns the guard cell wall to coordinate turgor pressure and wall mechanics for proper stomatal function in Arabidopsis
Y Chen, W Li, JA Turner, CT Anderson
The Plant Cell 33 (9), 3134-3150, 2021
Synergistic pectin degradation and guard cell pressurization underlie stomatal pore formation
Y Rui, Y Chen, H Yi, T Purzycki, VM Puri, CT Anderson
Plant Physiology 180 (1), 66-77, 2019
Post-Synthetic Reduction of Pectin Methylesterification Causes Morphological Abnormalities and Alterations to Stress Response in Arabidopsis thaliana
NT Reem, L Chambers, N Zhang, SF Abdullah, Y Chen, G Feng, S Gao, ...
Plants 9 (11), 1558, 2020
Rab21, a novel PS1 interactor, regulates ã-secretase activity via PS1 subcellular distribution
Z Sun, Y Xie, Y Chen, Q Yang, Z Quan, R Dai, H Qing
Molecular Neurobiology 55, 3841-3855, 2018
The stomatal flexoskeleton: how the biomechanics of guard cell walls animate an elastic pressure vessel
H Yi, Y Chen, JZ Wang, VM Puri, CT Anderson
Journal of experimental botany 70 (14), 3561-3572, 2019
Automated 3D segmentation of guard cells enables volumetric analysis of stomatal biomechanics
D Davaasuren*, Y Chen* (co-first author), L Jaafar, R Marshall, ...
Patterns 3 (12), 2022
Spatial IMA1 regulation restricts root iron acquisition on MAMP perception
M Cao, MP Platre, HH Tsai, L Zhang, T Nobori, L Armengot, Y Chen, ...
Nature 625 (7996), 750-759, 2024
Turgor pressure change in stomatal guard cells arises from interactions between water influx and mechanical responses of their cell walls
H Yi, Y Chen, CT Anderson
Quantitative Plant Biology 3, e12, 2022
Young guard cells function dynamically despite low mechanical anisotropy but gain efficiency during stomatal maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana
J Leila*, C Yintong* (co-first author), S Keynia, JA Turner, CT Anderson
The Plant Journal, 2024
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Articles 1–12