Olivier Deschenes
Cited by
Cited by
The economic impacts of climate change: evidence from agricultural output and random fluctuations in weather
O Deschênes, M Greenstone
American economic review 97 (1), 354-385, 2007
Climate change, mortality, and adaptation: Evidence from annual fluctuations in weather in the US
O Deschênes, M Greenstone
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 3 (4), 152-185, 2011
Adapting to climate change: The remarkable decline in the US temperature-mortality relationship over the twentieth century
A Barreca, K Clay, O Deschenes, M Greenstone, JS Shapiro
Journal of Political Economy 124 (1), 105-159, 2016
Status and solutions for the world’s unassessed fisheries
C Costello, D Ovando, R Hilborn, SD Gaines, O Deschenes, SE Lester
Science 338 (6106), 517-520, 2012
The economic impacts of natural disasters: A review of models and empirical studies
WJW Botzen, O Deschenes, M Sanders
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2019
Extreme weather events, mortality, and migration
O Deschenes, E Moretti
The Review of Economics and Statistics 91 (4), 659-681, 2009
Defensive investments and the demand for air quality: Evidence from the NOx budget program
O Deschenes, M Greenstone, JS Shapiro
American Economic Review 107 (10), 2958-2989, 2017
Temperature effects on productivity and factor reallocation: Evidence from a half million Chinese manufacturing plants
P Zhang, O Deschenes, K Meng, J Zhang
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 88, 1-17, 2018
Climate change and birth weight
O Deschênes, M Greenstone, J Guryan
American Economic Review 99 (2), 211-217, 2009
Social distancing responses to COVID-19 emergency declarations strongly differentiated by income
JA Weill, M Stigler, O Deschenes, MR Springborn
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 117 (33), 19658-19660, 2020
Temperature, human health, and adaptation: A review of the empirical literature
O Deschenes
Energy Economics 46, 606-619, 2014
The unequal effects of weather and climate change: Evidence from mortality in India
R Burgess, O Deschenes, D Donaldson, M Greenstone
Cambridge, United States: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department …, 2014
The long-term impact of military service on health: Evidence from World War II and Korean War veterans
K Bedard, O Deschênes
American Economic Review 96 (1), 176-194, 2006
Do unemployment insurance recipients actively seek work? Evidence from randomized trials in four US States
O Ashenfelter, D Ashmore, O Deschênes
Journal of econometrics 125 (1-2), 53-75, 2005
Maybe next month? Temperature shocks and dynamic adjustments in birth rates
A Barreca, O Deschenes, M Guldi
Demography 55 (4), 1269-1293, 2018
Sex preferences, marital dissolution, and the economic status of women
K Bedard, O Deschenes
Journal of human Resources 40 (2), 411-434, 2005
The economic impacts of climate change: evidence from agricultural output and random fluctuations in weather: reply
O Deschênes, M Greenstone
American Economic Review 102 (7), 3761-3773, 2012
The effect of air pollution on body weight and obesity: Evidence from China
O Deschenes, H Wang, S Wang, P Zhang
Journal of Development Economics 145, 102461, 2020
Agricultural pesticide use and adverse birth outcomes in the San Joaquin Valley of California
AE Larsen, SD Gaines, O Deschênes
Nature communications 8 (1), 302, 2017
Weather, climate change and death in India
R Burgess, O Deschenes, D Donaldson, M Greenstone
University of Chicago, 577-617, 2017
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Articles 1–20