Amy Przeworski
Amy Przeworski
Case Western Reserve University, Department of Psychological Sciences
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A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for anxiety and depression: is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
MG Newman, LE Szkodny, SJ Llera, A Przeworski
Clinical psychology review 31 (1), 89-103, 2011
Preliminary reliability and validity of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire-IV: A revised self-report diagnostic measure of generalized anxiety disorder
MG Newman, AR Zuellig, KE Kachin, MJ Constantino, A Przeworski, ...
Behavior Therapy 33 (2), 215-233, 2002
Worry and generalized anxiety disorder: a review and theoretical synthesis of evidence on nature, etiology, mechanisms, and treatment
MG Newman, SJ Llera, TM Erickson, A Przeworski, LG Castonguay
Annual review of clinical psychology 9 (1), 275-297, 2013
Attentional bias to threat in social phobia: facilitated processing of threat or difficulty disengaging attention from threat?
N Amir, J Elias, H Klumpp, A Przeworski
Behaviour research and therapy 41 (11), 1325-1335, 2003
Self‐help and minimal‐contact therapies for anxiety disorders: Is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
MG Newman, T Erickson, A Przeworski, E Dzus
Journal of clinical psychology 59 (3), 251-274, 2003
Early childhood OCD: Preliminary findings from a family-based cognitive-behavioral approach
JB Freeman, AM Garcia, L Coyne, C Ale, A Przeworski, M Himle, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 47 (5), 593-602, 2008
Thought suppression in obsessive-compulsive disorder
DF Tolin, JS Abramowitz, A Przeworski, EB Foa
Behaviour Research and Therapy 40 (11), 1255-1274, 2002
A review of technology-assisted self-help and minimal contact therapies for drug and alcohol abuse and smoking addiction: is human contact necessary for therapeutic efficacy?
MG Newman, LE Szkodny, SJ Llera, A Przeworski
Clinical psychology review 31 (1), 178-186, 2011
Juvenile‐onset OCD: Clinical features in children, adolescents and adults
MC Mancebo, AM Garcia, A Pinto, JB Freeman, A Przeworski, R Stout, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 118 (2), 149-159, 2008
Are trauma victims susceptible to" false memories"?
LA Zoellner, EB Foa, BD Brigidi, A Przeworski
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 109 (3), 517, 2000
Interpersonal pathoplasticity in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder.
A Przeworski, MG Newman, AL Pincus, MB Kasoff, AS Yamasaki, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 120 (2), 286, 2011
Diagnostic comorbidity in adults with generalized anxiety disorder: Impact of comorbidity on psychotherapy outcome and impact of psychotherapy on comorbid diagnoses
MG Newman, A Przeworski, AJ Fisher, TD Borkovec
Behavior Therapy 41 (1), 59-72, 2010
Palmtop computer‐assisted group therapy for social phobia
A Przeworski, MG Newman
Journal of clinical psychology 60 (2), 179-188, 2004
Inflated perception of responsibility for harm in obsessive–compulsive disorder
EB Foa, N Amir, KVA Bogert, C Molnar, A Przeworski
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 15 (4), 259-275, 2001
Rates of subthreshold PTSD among US military veterans and service members: A literature review
HE Bergman, A Przeworski, NC Feeny
Military Psychology 29 (2), 117-127, 2017
A randomized controlled trial of ecological momentary intervention plus brief group therapy for generalized anxiety disorder.
MG Newman, A Przeworski, AJ Consoli, CB Taylor
Psychotherapy 51 (2), 198, 2014
Preliminary reliability and validity of the GAD-Q-IV: A revised self-report diagnostic measure of generalized anxiety disorder
MG Newman, AR Zuellig, KE Kachin, MJ Constantino, A Przeworski, ...
Behavior Therapy 33, 215-233, 2002
Web recruitment and internet use and preferences reported by women with postpartum depression after pregnancy complications
JA Maloni, A Przeworski, EG Damato
Archives of psychiatric nursing 27 (2), 90-95, 2013
Maternal and child expressed emotion as predictors of treatment response in pediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder
A Przeworski, LA Zoellner, ME Franklin, A Garcia, J Freeman, JS March, ...
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 43, 337-353, 2012
Do patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder have deficits in decision-making?
EB Foa, A Mathews, JS Abramowitz, N Amir, A Przeworski, DS Riggs, ...
Cognitive Therapy and Research 27, 431-445, 2003
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